- 本手册包含如下内容 J2ME Web Services RPC (JSR 172) J2ME Web Services XML (JSR 172) Java APIs for Bluetooth (JSR 82) Location API (JSR 179) MID Profile 2.0 (JSR-118) Mobile Media API 1.1 (JSR-135) Mobile 3D Graphics API (JSR184) PDA Pim
- 跨平台2D引擎,任何图形设备(2d/3d)均可使用 精灵引擎包括:精灵(支持HotPoint),45度斜角地图,图层,ViewPort,层管理器。 图形引擎包括:ISurf通用2D绘图接口。目前有一个DDraw7的实现;IFont接口。还有一个CGdiFont实现。 *声明:欢迎学习研究或修改,未经本人许可,严禁用于商业用途 Copyright instemast 精灵引擎部分,我发现SUN的J2ME设计的还不错,所以参考了他的设计。 不过J2ME是针对移动设备的
- CEGUI是用来做3D游戏UI界面开发的底层接口库,通过它可以比较容易的实现各种挺绚的游戏界面,本程序就是通过它来实现的一个例子,做游戏UI的可以通过它学到不少有用的东西 斑竹FIREFOX每次上传,源码类别都会变成不正确,你们的上传是否有问题啊?
Inside Direct3D
- As Windows"R" becomes a widely accepted platform for popular games, its 3D class libraries continue to gain in popularity with developers. INSIDE DIRECT3D"R" provides the lowdown on Direct3D from a respected writer with solid conn
- • Symbian OS basics, Memory Management, Descr iptors, Application Structure, Client-Server, Active Object, Application UI Viewer, Screen Saver, File Handling, Simple 2D,3D games, Simple Banner, Scalable UI, Location Finder GPS, HTTP client API,
- 一个3D小游戏,有场景,人物,粒子,UI。VC2005+DX9开发-A 3D game, there are scenes, characters, particles, UI. VC2005+ DX9 development
- 使用OPENGL开发的小引擎,包括图形处理模块,粒子系统模块,输入,音频模块,UI模块-OPENGL developed using a small engine, including the graphics processing module, particle system module, input, audio module, UI module
- 一个用openGL实现的3D游戏,从搭建框架开始到一个简单3D游戏的,从UI,场景,人物,碰撞,树木到一个完整的3D游戏。-A 3D game using openGL implementation, from the beginning to build the framework of a simple 3D game, from the UI, scenes, characters, collision, tree into a complete 3D games.
- LWUIT早期源码,编译后jar包只有337k,比现在的1.2版本更小。LWUIT是一个轻量级JavaME UI工具包。主要的特性包括:类似Swing 的MVC架构,支持多种布局(Layouts),皮肤更换,字体,触摸屏,动画效果,Rich控件,3D集成,Painter,模式对画框,I18N/L10N等。-LWUIT is a UI library that is bundled together with applications and helps content developers in
- 3d 桌面显示代码( 3d UI Framework)-3d desktop System
- Developing 3D UI for Beagle Board
- Qt OpenGL 创建跨平台可视化UI:科学可视化、医学成像、飞行模拟、流程建模、动画、游戏和视觉效果应用程序都需要大量使用高性能 2D 和 3D 图形。-Qt OpenGL to create cross-platform visualization UI: scientific visualization, medical imaging, flight simulation, process modeling, animation, games and visual effects
- 一个非常顶尖儿的p2p软件,其中的效率非常的高-Game companies and game development process framework outlined the basic concepts of 【2010-01-16 23:58】 game companies generally refers to the game development company or game publishers, agents. That game companies need to de
- 著名的3D游戏引擎IRR的UI设计游戏界面的例子,非常COOL。-The famous 3D game engine IRR of UI design example of game interface, very COOL.
- 著名的3D游戏引擎IRR的UI设计游戏界面的例子,非常COOL。-The famous 3D game engine IRR of UI design example of game interface, very COOL.
- game java 2 love heart and you can load game in java UI, anh you can check in java game, java 3D with game java
- 实现一个3d效果,的controltav,可以通过控件控制,包括源代码-To achieve a 3d effect, the controltav, can be controlled by controls, including source code
- WPF是微软新一代图形系统,运行在.NET Framework 3.0架构下,为用户界面、2D/3D 图形、文档和媒体提供了统一的描述和操作方法。基于DirectX 9/10技术的WPF不仅带来了前所未有的3D界面,而且其图形向量渲染引擎也大大改进了传统的2D界面,比如Vista中的半透明效果的窗体等都得益于WPF。 程序员在WPF的帮助下,要开发出媲美Mac程序的酷炫界面已不再是遥不可及的奢望。 WPF相对于Windows客户端的开发来说,向前跨出了巨大的一步,它提供了超丰富的.NET UI
Tower Game
- 这是用unity引擎c#语言开发的塔防游戏。有UI界面,主要是两个英雄打猎物,有猎物的XML表,有猎物的被击数,也有波数。(This is the unity engine using c# language to develop the tower defense game. There are UI interfaces, mainly two heroes playing prey, XML table with prey, a number of prey hit, there are
- 关于3d展示wpf控件的demo,WPF是 委托机制 数据驱动UI方式进行工作(About 3D, the demoWPF that displays WPF controls is the delegate mechanism, data driven, and UI work)