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- FreeTextBox is the most-used HTML editor for asp.net. It is compatible with IE on the PC, and Mozilla and Firefox on all platforms. It is used in major Open Source projects such as Community Server and DotnetNuke as well as excellent packages like Sm
- 家庭财务公司,C#,asp.net编写,学校项目-domestic financial companies, C#, asp. net prepare, school projects
- FlashStore是Kyoji独立开发的RIA实验性项目。综合运用了asp.net、Flash Remoting和Action scr ipt 2.0等技术,并且结合了MVC设计模式-FlashStore inhibits independent development of the RIA pilot projects. The integrated use of asp.net, Flash Remoting and Action scr ipt 2.0, in line with the
- asp.net中实现同一用户名不能同时登陆(单点登陆) Web项目中经常遇到的问题就是同一用户名多次登陆的问题,相应的解决办法也很多,总结起来不外乎这几种解决办法:将登陆后的用户名放到数据库表中;登陆后的用户名放到Session中;登陆后的用户名放到Application中;登陆后的用户名放到Cache中。一般的这几种方法都是登陆了之后,如果没有正常退出,第二次登陆将不被允许。这样一般都会存在一个问题:如果用户没有正常退出系统,那么他接下来继续登陆的时候,因为Session没有过期等问题,
- Bugnet is an issue tracking and project issue management solution built using the asp.net web application framework. Email notifications, reporting and per project configuration of fields and values allows efficient management of bugs, feature reques
- FreeTextBox is the most-used HTML editor for asp.net. It is compatible with IE on the PC, and Mozilla and Firefox on all platforms. It is used in major Open Source projects such as Community Server and DotnetNuke as well as excellent packages like Sm
- 对高校教师的基本档案、业务情况、科研项目等信息进行管理。采用SQL Server2000创建后台数据库,前台采用C#创建asp.net网站。-Of College Teachers of basic file operations, such as information management projects. Backgrounds created using SQL Server2000 database, future use of C# to create asp.net websit
- 文件传输服务器源码,涉及 asp.net 的项目。-File transfer server source code, projects related to asp.net.
- 一个asp.net编写的flash版房地产在线查看楼盘项目,前后台功能齐全,方便管理-asp.net prepare a version of flash to view real estate online real estate projects in Taiwan before and after a full-featured, easy to manage
- Oxite是微软的开源博客内容管理系统,基于asp .net MVC架构,正如其团队在Codeplex上的阐述一样,Oxite是为了以下目标而生的: 1.提供一个Blog范例,除了Blog的基本功能,你还可以了解到Trackback,rss,comment这些基本模块的实现,当然这些东西可以在其他开源项目中了解,但是Oxite至少提供了可以对比借鉴的可能:-) 2.提供一个现实世界的MVC架构范例。-Oxite is Microsoft' s open source blog c
- asp.net At Work - Building 10 Enterprise projects-asp.net At Work- Building 10 Enterprise projects
- .net 2003开发,用于软件项目开发管理。内有数据库(ms sql2000)。-asp. net 2003 development projects for software development management. There are a database (ms sql2000).
- 包含四个不同类型的项目,控制台应用程序、Windows窗体应用程序、WPF应用程序、asp.net Web应用程序,适合初学者熟悉C#环境-Contains four different types of projects, console applications, Windows Forms applications, WPF applications, asp.net Web applications, suitable for beginners are familiar with C#
- 第一团购系统是基于Web应用的B/S架构的团购网站建设解决方案的建站系统。它可以让用户高效、快速、低成本的构建个性化、专业化、强大功能的团购网站。从技术层面来看,本程序采用目前软件开发IT业界较为流行的asp.net和SQLSERVER2000数据库开发技术架构。从功能层面来看,前台首页每天显示一个服务或插产品的限时限最低成团人数的团购项目,具有邮件订阅,好友邀请,人人网、开心网、新浪微博、MSN/QQ分享,短信发送,购买凭证券在线打印、下载等功能。-The first buy Web appl
- 一个asp.net(c#)进销存管理系统。我们岗位实践的项目。-A asp.net (c#) inventory management system. We post practice projects.
- Academic Project - Address Book Course Finder - Search Colleges and Courses Library Management System School Management System Student Project - Personal Assistant
- Order your food through Online using asp.net: This dotnet project is used to create a website for Hotel/Restaurants which is used to place the customer’s order through online. User can order any kind of foods that are provided by the Hotel/Rest
- asp.net 语言 2个项目代码,含使用说明 基于XML技术的留言本代码; 基于XML技术的在线论坛代码;-asp.net Language 2 project code, including instructions for use of the XML-based message Code XML-based online Forum Code
- asp.net常用的教学实战项目,asp.net的课程设计-asp.net common teaching practical projects, asp.net curriculum design
- 捷点内容管理系统(JCms)是一款基于asp.net(C#)+SqlServer架构,具有可视化模板引擎的内容管理系统。系统主要应用于电子政务、校园门户、集团门户,目前已经在诸多项目中得到完美部署。(The agile content management system (JCms) is a content management system with a visual template engine based on asp.net (C#) +SqlServer architecture.