- The above source code is give radiation pattern and Current distribution in Designing of Yagi-Uda antenna on the basis of Mutual impedance with Director and Reflector with respect to drivel elemnt.
- 入射角高斯分布平行天线相关性(无互耦和考虑互耦的情况下相关性的不同表现)-Incident Angle gaussian distribution parallel antenna correlation (no mutual coupling and consideration of the mutual coupling correlation of different performance)
- computing self and mutual impedances for dipole antenna
- 天线原理中,计算偶极子天线不同配置下的互阻抗程序-Antenna theory, computing mutual impedance dipole antenna configuration under different procedures
- this code is to show how Matlab design works. I do not have the license of the code. This code can also be downloaded from files exchange. The structure includes of a single ground plane and it is consequently low cost and simple to fabricate. It is
- Mutual information is useful to calculate a set of procedures, Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based.