- 数码相机sdk开发包最终版,能控制G10的.功能多哦,和D版不同的,各有特色,Digital camera development kit sdk final version, that can be controlled by the G10. Features many Oh, and the D version different, each with its own characteristics
Canon Digital Camera SDK CD SDK v6.1.2
- 佳能数码相机的开发包,含有Delphi、VB、VC6的例子,支持下列型号: PowerShot A10, PowerShot A20, PowerShot A30, PowerShot A40, PowerShot A60, PowerShot A70, PowerShot A80, PowerShot A100, PowerShot A200, PowerShot A300, PowerShot S10, PowerShot S20, PowerShot S30, Po
- canon公司的屏幕保护工具,内容是canon公司的顶级镜头,无需注册,直接安装,无需重启.-canon' s screen saver tool, which is the company' s top canon lens, are not required to register, direct installation, no need to restart.
- 今年刚出版的vb入门到精解的全部源码,完整而经典,是学习vb的无上宝典,为了挣点共享了。欢迎多下载,共同交流。-Vb, published just this year, entry-to-fine solution of the full source code, complete and classic, to learn vb' s supreme canon that in order to Zhengdian shared. More than welcome to downlo
- 嵌入式C程序员的宝典,你讲学习到各种知识,关于嵌入式的。增强硬功夫的好方法。-Embedded C programmer' s canon that you speak to a variety of knowledge and to learn about embedded. A good way to enhance the hard effort.
- 佳能公司的单反相机的sdk 包。希望对您有帮助。-Canon' s SLR camera sdk package. Want to help you.
- 佳能A630的中文破解固件,支持电量显示,RAW格式存储等功能,已经完全汉化-Canon A630' s Chinese crack the firmware to support the power display, RAW format, storage and other functions, has been completely finished
- 佳能相机SDK,本人花费700大洋购买到的,一个控件对应一个ID号,-Canon SDK, I spend 700 to buy the ocean, a control corresponding to an ID number,
- FPGA开发全攻略_工程师创新设计宝典.FPGA 是英文 Field Programmable Gate Array 的缩写,即现场可编程门阵列,它是在 PAL、GAL、CPLD 等可编程器件的基础上进一步发展的产物。它是作为专用集成电路(ASIC)领域中的一种半定制电路而出现的, 既解决了定制电路的不足,又克服了原有可编程器件门电路数有限的缺点。它是当今数字系统设计的主要硬件 平台,其主要特点就是完全由用户通过软件进行配置和编程,从而完成某种特定的功能,且可以反复擦写。在 修改
- c++学习经典书籍,堪称程序员学习的葵花宝典,从不一样的角度深入学习理解C-c++ learning classic books, called the programmer s holy canon, never the same point of view in-depth study to understand the C++
- 用matlab中的程序演奏Cripple Pachebel的卡农。-Cripple Pachebel s Canon on Matlab
- sound这个函数还是在香港学信号处理的时候第一次用过,当时寂寞的助教--一个女生,每天只穿一套衣服:牛仔裤,白T恤,格子衬衫--把一小段小红莓乐队经典歌曲Zombie给我们处理,让我们听到了多种怪异风格的Zombie。同时也让汤汤(@汤逸纯)和我被该助教的特殊品味所深深折服。 闲话少说,下面献上不知是哪位高人编写的matlab程序,声音稍显沉闷,不过已经相当强了。- Can t image, Matlab is so powerful! Cripple Pa
- Cripple Pachelbel s Canon on MatlabCripple Pachelbel s Canon on Matlab-Cripple Pachelbel s Canon on Matlab
- 佳能相机控制SDK 含C++ 和 VB demo,用于开发佳能相机应用.-Canon camera control SDK containing C++ and demo VB, for the development of Canon s camera application.
- Canon camera unfortunately does not plug&play its flash memory card as mass storage but the camera appears in Scanners and cameras list. It seems logical but it brings many problems because it s not possible to open files stored in the camera directl
- 3D烟火大会前夕,中学吵吵闹闹的登校日。典道和祐介在校内游泳池偶遇两人的暗恋对象——班里偶像般的荠。(On the eve of the 3d fireworks conference, high school noisy boarding day. Canon way and you interface in the school swimming pool encounter two people like object - the idol of shepherd's purse in t