- cc2430串口通信程序,实现数据发往pc。
- 程序在主程序中没有连续改变小灯的状态,而在开始运行时将其关闭,延时后点亮。实验现象是一只小灯不断闪烁,这是因为程序中启动了看门狗,看门狗时间长度为1 秒,如果1 秒内没有复位看门狗的话,系统将复位。系统复位后再次开启看门狗,1 秒后复位。,Procedures in the main program there is no continuous change in the status of small lights, and at the beginning of run-time to tu
- cc2430讀取短地址程式,可從串口看到傳回的值,cc2430 read a short address of the program can be seen from the serial port to see the return values
- CC2430中A/D转换程序,和温度采集相关,包含了其他功能,自己找了。。。。。,CC2430 in the A/D conversion process, and temperature acquisition-related, including other functions that they find. . . . .
- CC2530的内部架构,包括CPU,存储器,DMA等等,读者在编程8051时读取的好资料。-CC2530' s internal architecture, including CPU, memory, DMA, etc., when the reader to read a good programming information 8051.
- cc2430芯片的模数转换器有一路专门的温度传感器输入,通过设置ADC获取采样电压,可以计算出芯片温度,此为源代码-cc2430 chip ADC has a special way the temperature sensor input, by setting the ADC for sampling voltage, chip temperature can be calculated, this is the source code
- 这个实验利用睡眠定时器工作在多个电源模式下这一特性来实现定时唤醒,最长的唤醒时隔为8 分32 秒,而最短的时隔可达30 余微秒。-This experiment using sleep timer working in a number of power mode to achieve this feature from time to time to wake up, wake up after the longest 8 minutes and 32 seconds, and as soon
- 关于ZIGBEE技术开发中cc2430串口调试问答的pdf文件,对于在进行ZIGBEE研究或开发中遇到该类问题的朋友很有用-ZIGBEE technology development on the cc2430 debug serial port of the Q & A pdf document ZIGBEE in research or development issues encountered in such useful friends
- CC2430 基础实验六 T3 的使用 1. 实验介绍 用定时器3 来改变小灯的状态,T3 每发生200 次中断小灯改变状态一次。-CC2430 experimental basis for the use of T3 6 1. Experiment 3 introduced the use of timer to change the status of small lights, T3 occurred every 200 to change the state of interru
- CC2430 基础实验七 T4 的使用 1. 实验介绍 用定时器4 来改变小灯的状态,T4 每发生200 次中断小灯改变状态一次。-CC2430 experimental basis for the use of T4 7 1. Experiment 4 introduced the use of timer to change the status of a small lamp, T4 occur every 200 to change the state of interrupte
- 介绍了如何使用CC2430的AD功能进行电压采集,对于研究ZIgBee的人员非常有帮助-Using the ADC of CC2430 to Measure Supply Voltage
- CC2430 基础实验六 T3 的使用 用定时器 3 来改变小灯的状态,T3 每发生200 次中断小灯改变状态一次。-CC2430 experimental basis for the use of six with T3 timer 3 to change the status of small lights, T3 occurred every 200 to change the state of interrupted a small lamp.
- cc2430单片机控制的几个基本实验的介绍和相应的基本的程序-cc2430 MCU to introduce a few basic experiments and the corresponding basic procedures
- 成都新华龙公司翻译的CC2430的中文文档资料,很少能找到的好的中文翻译版。-The new company, Chengdu Hualong CC2430 translation of the Chinese documentation is very rare to find a good Chinese translations.
- 利用cc2430实现SPI通信。 可以利用 cc2430和其他零件之间通信-Cc2430 achieved using SPI communication. Cc2430 and other parts can be used to communicate between
- 该资料介绍了CC2430,可以作为新手学习CC2430的参看资料-The information on the CC2430, CC2430 can learn to see as a novice information
- CC2430点对点通信程序,该程序可以演示一个基本的Zigbee网络系统-CC2430 peer-to-peer communication program, the program can demonstrate a basic Zigbee network system
- 这个是基于CC2430的ADXL345加数度传感器的应用(基于IAR),是通过加速度的变化远程控制终端节点的灯闪情况,是无线嵌入式开发的非常好的演示程序,是嵌入式即物联网相关的开发应用,对ZIGBEE研究人员有极好的指导作用,程序已经实验通过,保证质量。-The ADXL345 is based on the CC2430 application (based on IAR), is a very good wireless embedded development demonstration
- 基于CC2430的zigbee点对点通讯程序,完整的工程文件,学习zigbee的好资料-Good information on learning zigbee zigbee peer-to-peer communication program based on the CC2430, a complete project file,
- CC2430的一个基本例程,让CC2430的开发板上的LED自动闪烁-The CC2430 a basic routine