- SIGMA-DELTA 原理 实现的用LPC900系列单片机的比较器实现16位A/D。 有详细的说明和源代码(汇编格式,但是可以在KEIL下的C中调用)。-SIGMA-DELTA principle achieved using the LPC900 Series compared to 16-bit A / D. A detailed descr iption and the source code (the compilation format, but in the C KEIL Call
- A PLD Based Delta-Sigma DAC Delta-Sigma modulation is the simple, yet powerful, technique responsible for the extraordinary performance and low cost of today s audio CD players. The simplest Delta-Sigma DAC consists of a Delta-Sigma modulat
- 这份术语表定义了TI公司的delta-sigma、逐次逼近型和流水线模数转换器,并详细说明他们的规格和性能特点。-approximation register (SAR), and pipeline analog-to-digital (A/D) Converter specifications and performance characteristics. Although there is a considerable amount of detail in this docume
- Example: A = double(imread( fingerprint.png ))/255 B = coherencefilter(A,4, sigma ,1.5, rho ,5) image(min(max(B,0),1)) axis image [1] Weickert, J. 1996. Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Mathemati
- 根据FPGA的∑-Δ D/A转换器的设计与实现策略,∑-Δ DAC的内部仅由2个10位的二进制加法器,1个10位的锁存器和一个D触发器组成,用FPGA实现时只需耗费极少的逻辑资源,即使用最小的FPGA也能实现。这是∑-Δ DAC实现的verilog语言-According to the FPGA Σ-Δ D/A converter design and implementation strategies, Σ-Δ DAC' s internal only by the two 10-bit
- 控制芯片STC90C516RD+ ,AD7705,16位∑-Δ模数转换芯片,调试可用。附有中英文手册。AD7705是完整的16 位AD转换器。若外接晶体振荡器、精密基准源和少量去耦电容, 即可连续进行A D转换。 采用SP I Q SP I兼容的三线串行接口,具有高分辨 率、宽动态范围、自校准、优良的抗噪声性能以及低电压低功耗等特点, 非常适合仪表测量、工业控制等领域的应用。 -The control chip STC90C516RD+, AD7705,16 bit sigma delta an
- The ADS1252 is a precision, wide dynamic range, deltasigma, Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter with 24-bit resolution operating from a single +5V supply. The delta-sigma architecture is used for wide dynamic range and to ensure 24 bits of no missi