- 让进程在系统中更加隐蔽(2) 一般来说一个后门程序需要更改系统的某些文件来让程序在系统启动执行这个程序, 又要在某个地方保留这个程序(一般是在硬盘)。如果有什么办法不这样做又让程序在 系统中运行的话,就可以使后门程序更加隐蔽。也就是说程序在硬盘上找不到在系统的 启动配置中没有这有项。真正要做到这样好象不太现实,但可以采用简单的方法:在程 序被执行后删除程序文件和启动文件中被更改的部分,然后在系统被关闭前保留程序文 件和更改启动文件,让它在系统启动时又能被执行。 程序是一个可执行文件在被执行时系统
- libdvdread provides a simple foundation for reading DVD video disks. It provides the functionality that is required to access many DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS authentication and descrambling.
- Split (and unsplit) one big file into multiple small ones This an invisible component with a simple task to split a file into multiple files of certain size. The most common need for this is when you want to put your (big) file on floppy disks, for b
- A user-space device driver can do many of the things that kernel drivers can t, such as perform a long-running computation, block while waiting for an event, or read files from the file system. Unlike kernel drivers, a user-space device driver can us
- 一个非常不错的资源管理器,界面直观,实用方便,列举了当前所有的磁盘,当选择某一个磁盘后,下面的列表框以树目录的形式显示了当前选择的磁盘中的所有文件-A very good resource management, and the interface intuitive, practical convenience, the current list of all the disks, when you select a disk, the following list box to the fo
- TestDisk是一个功能强大的免费的数据恢复软件!它的主要目的是帮助恢复丢失的分区和/或不开机磁盘开机时再次造成这些症状是由错误的软件,某些类型的病毒或人为错误(例如意外删除分区表) 。分区表恢复使用TestDisk是真的很简单。 TestDisk可以 修复分区表,恢复已删除的分区 恢复32引导扇区从备份 重建FAT12/FAT16/FAT32引导扇区 更多请看英文介绍-TestDisk is a powerful free data recovery so
- SD卡分区识别驱动 用读卡器将SD卡连接电脑 这个时候还是无法进行分区操作的,因为SD卡还是移动磁盘 然后我们需要把它变成本地磁盘。 在设备管理器中-----磁盘驱动器- 列表里有硬盘和你的读卡器。(每人的不同。一般是XXXUSB。)找到读卡器的那个,单击右键,更新驱动程序。下一步----选择从列表或者指定位置安装,------下一步------选择不要搜索,我要自己选择安装的驱动程序。(一定注意)下一步---选择从磁盘安装-----浏览找到我给你的驱动。(帖子下载)就是c
- This application is intended to create a system of accessing a multimedia file formats use corba can serve all users (clients) in-stream files multimedia is provided by the server without having to store it in the media owned by the user storag
- 自动复制文件到移动盘,可以判定OK和NG-Automatically copy files to removable disks, can be determined and NG OK
- Filebox control and that application is included. Filebox control shows and navigates disks, folders and files in a box, and has histories of navigation.
- 操作系统虚拟算法,从内存到进程再到文件和磁盘,都有模拟算法用来展示,-Operating system virtual algorithm, and then from memory to process files and disks, are used to display simulation
- treeview遍历磁盘,查询磁盘的文件夹和文件,点击文件夹,可在listview里面显示出文件夹内的文件和文件夹-Treeview traversal disks, folders and files, query disk click folder, can display the folder of files and folders in listview.
- 通过WEB页面实现一个简单的文件管理器,可以使用浏览器来管理服务器上所有磁盘下的文件和目录。-Implement a simple file manager through the WEB page, you can use a browser to manage files and directories under all disks on the server.
- 实例功能:搜索本地所有磁盘(包括硬盘,U盘,光驱这些存储器),中的所有文件和目录,当然,系统保护的某些文件或文件夹可能无法现实出来,搜索出来后它们是以树型结构在TreeView控件中显示 开发工具以及开发语言:Visual Studio.net 2005 -C#-Examples of functions: search all local disks (including hard disk, U disk, optical drive these memory), all files a
- Checking file system on K: The type of the file system is FAT. One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue. Windows will now check the disk.
- 可检测Application ,Session ,Cookies ,ServerVariables等,检测组件,磁盘,速度,安全与文件,并能遍历查看文件的信息 密码:159753-Information can be detected Application, Session, Cookies, ServerVariables like detection component, disks, speed, security and file and view the files can tr
- filedisk-21,发布于2015-12-16,一款虚拟磁盘软件的源代码,可以使用vs2015&wdk10编译。-filedisk-21 is a virtual disk driver for Windows that uses one or more files to emulate physical disks. A console application is included that let you dynamically mount and unmount files. Fil
Disks and files
- How to work with the disks and files
- SpaceSniffer is a freeWare (donations are welcome) and portable tool application that lets you understand how folders and files are structured on your disks