- 工资管理系统简介 (网址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5488e3a90100gwo4.html) 这是一款适用于中小企业的工资管理软件,具有以下特点: 一、提供了三十多项实用功能,可以与收费的商业软件相媲美; 二、用你最熟悉的EXCEL编写,所见即所得,直接使用,无需学习; 三、完全开放源代码,你可以看到所有代码,并可以跟踪代码的执行,让你消除对宏病毒的担心; 四、数据与代码在一个文档中,不使用额外的数据库,不需要安装,即拷即用,真正做到绿色版; 五、持续更
- GSM GPRS MODEM彩信短信开发接口以标准的DLL(Dynamic Linkable Library)即动态链接库文件提供,支持彩信、短信、超长短信、Wap Push、闪信、书签推送、名片推送的发送与接收。支持几乎所有常用的开发语言,包括ASP,ASP.NET,Borland C++ Builder,Borland Delphi,HTML,PHP,VBA,VBscr ipt,Visual Basic,Visual Basic.NET,Visual C++,Visual C#.net等,压
- 使得你能打印你的VBA代码带有色彩,具有良好的使用界面,支持Microsoft Office的全系列程序。针对的用户包括从初学者到专家,对于学习者、对相应工程编制文档和调试复杂系统是理想的工具。支持的输出格式包括RTF, HTML,PDF等。 -Allows you to print your VBA code with color, has a good user interface, support for Microsoft Office
- 学籍管理系统,学籍 管理系统 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBscr ipt Javascr ipt ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab P
- VBA Code to parse any HTML table using DOM, and returning the desired fields into a vector.
- general code using html code
- ANSMTP component provides an easy way to enable your ASP, VB, VBA, VC++, Delphi, C#, VB.NET, Jscr ipt.NET, ASP.NET or other COM environment applications to send rich TEXT/HTML email based on SMTP or ESMTP protocol. It also can lookup DNS MX record to
- “文字格式”工具栏 “文字格式”工具栏- Visual Basic(7880) Visual C++(306) VBscr ipt(76) Others(73) WINDOWS(55) VBA(48) C-C++(42) MultiPlatform(39) ASP(38) Delphi(34) Java(30) CSharp(29) SQL(22) C++ Builder(22) Windows_Unix(20) CHM(16) WORD(14) C++(14) DOS(13) PDF(11
- 转载自:http://modthemachine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/10/c-help-examples-for-assemblies-occurences.html-Here is another section of VBA examples converted to C#. These functions are related to using occurrences in assemblies. This group was fairly easy
- 转载自:http://modthemachine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/09/c-help-examples-for-parts-general.html-Here are the VBA examples in this section of samples for parts converted to C#. This group of examples includes an example for an event (TestSelection) that
- word Vba 宏编译,主要功能时间将word中的表格转换为HTML表格源码-word Vba macro compile time will be the main function of the word forms into HTML source code form
- excel中用vba获取html下拉选择框中的内容-getting the value of options in html dom by using vba
- 用Excel加载宏的办法自动填写网页表单,使用VBA编写。引用Microsoft Internet控件和Microsoft HTML document控件,多Frame框架下可行。-A Excel used for auto fill web table,reference Microsoft Internet control and Microsoft HTML document control.It proved useful in muti layer frames web pages.