- 国内外知名企业的求职笔试大全,包括微软,ibm,华为,中兴等在内,部分还有参考答案,相信对想在iT界大展宏图的你会有很大的帮助的!哈哈!-famous enterprises at home and abroad for job-seekers written Daquan, including Microsoft, ibm, Huawei, ZTE, there are some reference to the answer, i believe in the iT sector to sh
POSiX 线程详解
- 来自ibm的教程,我把它做成了PDF。本文详细说明了POSiX线程的概念以及借口的用法。适合初级程序员阅读-from ibm's Guide, i put it into a PDF. This paper details the POSiX threads, and the concept of the use excuses. The initial reading for programmers
- ibm(原)数据生成器和源代码,是C语言的,很经典,相信对大家有很大的帮助-ibm (original) data generator and the source code, C language, classic, i think we have a great help! !
- ieee 与 ibm 的数据之间的转换,我写了很长的时间哦-ieee ibm and data conversion between, i wrote a very long time, oh
- introduction of UML.正如前面曾提到过的,UML的本意是要成为一种标准的统一语言,使得iT专业人员能够进行计算机应用程序的建模。UML的主要创始人是Jim Rumbaugh、ivar Jacobson和Grady Booch,他们最初都有自己的建模方法(OMT、OOSE和Booch),彼此之间存在着竞争。最终,他们联合起来创造了一种开放的标准。(听起来是不是很熟悉?这个现象类似J2EE、SOAP和Linux的诞生。)UML成为\"标准\"建模语言的原因之一在于,它与程序设计语言
- 信息隐藏检测与攻击技术研究!02年我的毕业设计,看看网上到处有人找,忍痛奉献。水印攻击代码,请勿用于非法用途!ABOUTUS(本软件可以检测一切基于空域隐藏的信息和一部分基于频域隐藏的信息,可以攻击目前绝大部分数字水印,特别独特的ibm攻击技术可以攻击目前所有的数字水印。)-information hiding and attack detection technology! 02, i graduated from the design, look at the internet is ful
- Eclipse中使用SWT进行界面设计 SWT是一个ibm开发的跨平台GUi开发工具包。至于为什么ibm要费劲自己另起炉灶开发一个GUi工具包,而不是使用Sun现有的由AWT, Swing, Java 2D, Java 3D等构成的Java GUi框架,那就说来话长了。-Eclipse SWT used for interface design ibm SWT is a cross-platform development of the GU i development kit. As to w
- PS/2 设备接口用于许多现代的鼠标和键盘它是由ibm 开发并且最初出现在ibm 技术参考手册里但 是当我知道的时候这篇文件就已经很多年没有印刷了因此关于这个内容现在没有官方的出版物我 无法访问ibm 的技术参考手册所以本网页中的所有信息都来自于我自己的经验及本页最下面列出的 参考的帮助-PS / 2 interface used in many modern mouse and keyboard it is developed by ibm and first appeared i
- this project is Multiindexed FileSystem i done it for \"information storage and retrieval FileSystem course\" it is like ibm VSAM FS, use variable lenght record , and B+Tree algorithm for indexing,and store data in PileFile(*.pile) and also indexes i
- 自由读写xml的工具,由于没有考虑效率问题,请自行更换xml解析包.我用的是ibm的包.-free literacy xml tools, without considering the question of efficiency Please use replacement xml packet analysis. i use the ibm packages.
- 今天有点郁闷,不想干活。整理代码的时候,看到了这个好久之前写的代码,于是想整理出来供大家拍砖。XML的解析对于.Net平台那真是太简单不过了,感谢微软。但对于C++语言的XML解析就没那么容易了。有一个开源的XML4C是ibm的,功能强大,但代码大的有几M,而且对于GB2312的支持有问题,据说能解决,但可能是我天生愚钝,当初我花了2周时间也没搞定,最后放弃,自己写了一个。咦?还能跑起来,也能跨平台:)。 写这个XML解析类,以功能最简单,最实用,最常用的功能为原则,因为只能解析,查找,没有XM
- t transistor has the characteristics of components of the sensor real-time measurement of voltage and current signals through, obtained quality factor correction circuit for the feedback and the feedback time, ibm used the feedback field effect trans
- UnZip is a small zipfile extract utility. it is written to be assmall portable as possible and is intended to be starting point for im-plementation of .ZiP files in non-ibm environments.Source code is provided in C and Turbo Pascal. if you port this
- 由本人编写的用于显于三维地震剖面的小程序,注只能用于显示ibm格式的,i prepared for by the significantly in the three-dimensional seismic profile of small procedures, injection can only be used to show that ibm format
- ibm iCU 4.0 用户手册. 给大家参考.,ibm iCU 4.0 user' s manual. For your reference.
- 基于matlab图像增强的比较及其理论分析 给定一张灰度图片,模拟加入高斯噪声、椒盐噪声等若干噪声,然后使用中值滤波、均值滤波等方法进行图像增强。 -The PS/2 device interface, used by many modern mice and keyboards, was developed by ibm and originally appeared in the ibm Technical Reference Manual. However, this docu
- ibm TSO命令集,PDF格式,英文,全名为TSO Commond Reference,ibm大机下操作必备。-ibm TSO command set, PDF format, in English, full name TSO Commond Reference, ibm necessary to operate large aircraft.
- ibm大型机Z/OS DB2 数据库教程资料,包括了数据库入门理论和,DB2特性,并且联合COBOL进行数据库编程。-ibm Mainframe Z/OS DB2 database tutorials, including introduction to the theory and the database, DB2 features, and a joint database COBOL programming.
- 汇 编 语 言 实 验 实验一:分支程序设计 (1)试比较字数组array中的三个数,并根据比较结果在终端上显示如下信息: 如果三个数都不相等则显示0; 如果三个数有两个相等则显示1; 如果三个数都相等则显示2。 (2)试根据DL寄存器中哪一位为1(从低位到高位)把程序转移到8个不同的程序分支中去。(8个程序分支可设计成显示相应的数据) 实验二:循环程序设计 有一个首地址为array的10个字数组,用简单排序法使该数组中的数按照从小到大
- ibm 0175 报错 解决 BOOT.iMA 解决ibm 0175 错误的BOOT程序-ibm 0175 ibm 0175 error solution to solve the wrong BOOT.iMA BOOT program