- Shamir秘密分享算法的java实现,主要是使用平面上k点可以决定k-1次方的多项式,以k点为门槛值,应用lagrange多项式插入方法的技术,回复原多项式,再求出主密钥。-Shamir secret sharing algorithm to achieve the java, is the use of the plane could be decided k k-1 power of the polynomial, a k-value of the threshold, Applicati
- Shamir秘密分享算法的C#实现,主要是使用平面上k点可以决定k-1次方的多项式,以k点为门槛值,应用lagrange多项式插入方法的技术,回复原多项式,再求出主密钥。-Shamir secret sharing algorithm to achieve the java, is the use of the plane could be decided k k-1 power of the polynomial, a k-value of the threshold, Application
- 这是一个用java高级编程语言编写的程序,实现了用“向上/向下修正方法”的拉格朗日插值公式计算某个函数的值,方便实用。-java This is a high-level programming languages used in the preparation of procedures, implementation of the " up/down correction method," lagrange interpolation formula of the valu
- 1.n个节点分段lagrange插值多项式; 2.使用格式y=lagrange(x0,y0,x,k); 3.输入项x0为n维插值节点向量,y0为n维被插函数值向量; 4.x为m维插值点向量,k为分段插值多项式次数,不超过3,缺省为k=1; 5.输出y为插值点x处的函数值;- 1.n a sub-node lagrange interpolation polynomial 2. The use of the format y = lagrange (x0, y0,
- java实现的多种算法 迭代 二分 牛顿 拉格朗日 玄截 高斯分解 雅克比迭代-java to achieve a variety of algorithms, iteration, two points, Newton, lagrange, Hyun cut, Gaussian decomposition, Jacobi iteration
- 数值计算中的函数插值法 lagrange 牛顿插值-lagrange NEWTON
- Bspline曲线生成程序Catmull-Rom Spline, lagrange, Natural Cubic Spline, and NURBS方法获得B样条曲线-Implementation of various mathematical curves that define themselves over a set of control points. The API is written in java. The curves supported are: Bezier, B-Spl
- 计算方法实验作业,用java实现牛顿插值,拉格朗日插值,复化Simpson公式等-Compute the work, using java Newton interpolation, lagrange interpolation, complex formulas, etc. of Simpson
- BSpline 及各种曲线Implementation of various mathematical curves that define themselves over a set of control points. The API is written in java. The curves supported are: Bezier, B-Spline, Cardinal Spline, Catmull-Rom Spline, lagrange, Natural Cubic Splin