- 利用分步傅里叶方法模拟光纤激光器的输出脉冲与传输距离的关系-The use of step-by-step Fourier method to simulate the output of fiber laser pulses with the transmission distance relationship
- sick传感器的数据采集程序,通过参数的设计可以为操作者提供距离信息.-sick sensor data acquisition process through the design parameters for the operator to provide distance information.
- 激光在湍流大气中传输,光斑尺度、偏移角度及光强起伏均与传输距离和湍流强度的关系-Laser transfer in turbulent atmosphere, spot scale, offset angle and light intensity fluctuations are related to transmission distance and the turbulence intensity of the relationship between the
- Finding the distance of object using a laser pen and an ordinary web-cam ! These day there are many range finder devices which are used almost everywhere from robotics to country s defense system. All these devices work well, but there are portabil
- 关于相位差式激光测距传感器设计,其中,采用MSP430进行相位的检测,具有一定的参考价值。-Laser distance sensors on the design phase, in which, using the MSP430 test phase, with some reference value.
- 用51单片机控制激光测距仪,测出距离并在数码管上显示-MCU control with 51 laser range finder, the distance measured and displayed on digital
- 激光雷达测距的源程序,通过激光扫描检测到障碍物的距离。-Laser radar range of the source, an obstacle is detected by laser scanning distance.
- 凌阳单片机开发的激光测距程序 This program is write by C,which is used for testing the distance with laser.-This program is write by C,which is used for testing the distance with laser.
- 激光扫描仪器的数据采集程序,采集的数据是所扫描仪器到物体表面的距离-Laser scanners data acquisition, data is collected by scanning the surface of the instrument to the object distance
- 激光雷达是以发射激光束探测目标的位置、速度等特征量的雷达系统。从工作原理上讲,与微波雷达没有根本的区别:向目标发射探测信号(激光束),然后将接收到的从目标反射回来的信号(目标回波)与发射信号进行比较,作适当处理后,就可获得目标的有关信息,如目标距离、方位、高度、速度、姿态、甚至形状等参数,从而对飞机、导弹等目标进行探测、跟踪和识别。本程序为FMCW激光雷达matlab程序,包括调频非线性校正等。-Laser emitting a laser beam radar detection is the
- 激光雷达是以发射激光束探测目标的位置、速度等特征量的雷达系统。从工作原理上讲,与微波雷达没有根本的区别:向目标发射探测信号(激光束),然后将接收到的从目标反射回来的信号(目标回波)与发射信号进行比较.本程序为FMCW激光雷达matlab程序,包括调频非线性校正等-Laser emitting a laser beam radar detection is the target position, velocity, volume and other characteristics of the
- (1) 用激光笔改装激光枪,激光枪可受电路控制发射激光束,激光束照射于胸环靶上弹着点的光斑直径<5mm;激光枪与胸环靶间距离为3m。-(1) modified by a laser gun laser pointer, the laser gun can be controlled by the circuit emits a laser beam, a laser beam is irradiated on the point of impact on the chest of the tar
- (2) 激光枪固定在一机构上,可通过键盘控制激光枪的弹着点(用键盘设置激光束在靶纸上上下、左右移动一定距离-(2) fixed to a laser gun mechanism, a laser gun can be controlled by the keyboard of the point of impact (using the keyboard provided in the target of the laser beam up and down the paper, move ar
- 激光测距传感器,使用单片机对传感器测的的数据进行提取并处理得到距离值-laser sensor based distance Measuring device
- 根据视频和激光点测算相关距离,精度比较高,可以供学习参考-According to estimates related video and laser point distance, accuracy is relatively high, can be used for study and reference
- 此函数功能主要用于对激光雷达回波信号作距离修正,函数的输入参数是需要修正的激光雷达数据文件。-Function is mainly used for laser radar echo signals for distance correction, input parameters of the function is to be corrected lidar data files.
- reconverted. Using this circuit you can communicate with your neighbors wirelessly. Instead of RF signals, light a laser torch is used as the carrier in the circuit. The laser torch can transmit light up to a distance of about 500 meters. The phot
- 使用CP1H编写的控制程序,通过激光传感器读取距离值,再控制伺服电机运行。-Use CP1H write a control program read by a laser sensor distance value, then control the servo motor.
- 激光在大气中传输随距离变化的衰减,以及场强的分布-Laser transmission in the atmosphere varies with distance attenuation and field intensity distribution
- 激光雷达数据处理,辨别有毒云,校正因为激光雷达数据扫描时造成的极坐标几何扭曲-In this particular application, scanning Lidar equipment is used to detect cross sections of clouds or plumes. The same scan geometry, however, is used in medical ultrasound and other types of imaging.