- 课程成绩管理程序,用Java RMI实现,具有以下功能: 1.客户端能够录入课程名称、课程编号、授课教师、学号、学生名称、学生成绩; 2.客户端能够按照课程名/课程编号或者学生名称/学号查询成绩; 3.对于成绩不及格的同学,服务器端可以用回调方法通知学生补考时间和地点。 -courses results management process, using Java RMI, has the following functions : 1. Client programs can
- This is a little console mode utility program which is able to (de-)compress single files with a static Arithmetic compression algorithm. You could easily add the RLE/BWT/mft data transformation algorithms. Just rip the corresponding classes
- LL(1)语法分析1、实现LL(1)分析中控制程序(表驱动程序); 2、完成以下描述算术表达式的LL(1)文法的LL(1)分析程序。 G[E]: E→TE′ E′→ATE′|ε T→FT′ T′→mft′|ε F→ (E)|i A→+|- M→*|/-LL (1) syntax analysis 1, the realization of LL (1) Analysis of control procedures (table-driven procedure
- TestDisk是一个功能强大的免费的数据恢复软件!它的主要目的是帮助恢复丢失的分区和/或不开机磁盘开机时再次造成这些症状是由错误的软件,某些类型的病毒或人为错误(例如意外删除分区表) 。分区表恢复使用TestDisk是真的很简单。 TestDisk可以 修复分区表,恢复已删除的分区 恢复32引导扇区从备份 重建FAT12/FAT16/FAT32引导扇区 更多请看英文介绍-TestDisk is a powerful free data recovery so
- 当一个文件正在窗口环境中划除的时候, 只有文件目录数据被移动从 脂肪或 mft(为 NTFS), 意谓文件数据仍然所有在硬盘磁碟机上的数据部门。 如此,技术上,文件能仍然被回复。-When a file is designated window, except when the environment, only the file directory data is moved from the fat or mft (for NTFS), means that the file
- 反汇编接卸的NTFS文件系统的Ntldr引导代码,包括对mft的查找等,内容详尽,非常经典-Disassembly unload the NTFS file system Ntldr boot code, including the search of the mft and so detailed, very classic
- 以下描述算术表达式的LL(1)文法的递归下降分析程序 G[E]: E→TE′ E′→ATE′|ε T→FT′ T′→mft′|ε F→ (E)|i A→+|- M→*|/-The following descr iption of arithmetic expressions LL (1) recursive descent parser grammar G [E]: E → TE ' E' → ATE ' | ε T → FT' T &#
- 递归下降语法分析设计原理与实现技术 完成以下描述算术表达式的LL(1)文法的递归下降分析程序 G[E]: E→TE′ E′→ATE′|ε T→FT′ T′→mft′|ε F→ (E)|i A→+|- M→*|/ -Recursive descent parsing design principles and implementation techniques to complete the following descr iption of ari
- 基于NTFS文件系统,利用mft的信息修复DBR参数-NTFS-based file system, use DBR mft parameters repair information
- 请完成以下描述算术表达式的LL(1)文法的递归下降分析程序G[E]: E→TE′ E′→ATE′|ε T→FT′ T′→mft′|ε F→ (E)| d | i A→+|- M→*|/ 说明:终结符号d为正整数,终结符号i为变量。 其功能为: 从键盘上输入一串四则运算表达式,对照文法G[E]检查输入串的语法是否正确,如果不正确必须指出错误原因。 -Please complete the following descr iption
- 用winhex解析ntfs的资料,包括mft-the ntfs data
- 读取NTFS硬盘mft文件快速遍历NTFS硬盘的所有文件,迄今为止所了解到的最快的遍历ntfs硬盘的办法-Read NTFS hard mft file quickly traverse all files NTFS hard disk, the the fastest traversal ntfs hard way learned so far! !
- NTFS kernel mft record operations. Part of the Linux-NTFS project.
- 基于NTFS文件系统,利用mft的信息修复DBR参数-NTFS-based file system, use DBR mft parameters repair information
- mft,匹配傅里叶变换,用于含有载波和调频斜率的信号的检测,克服了因为载波导致性能下降的BFT。-mft, matching the Fourier transform for the slope of the FM carrier and comprising signal detection, to overcome the performance degradation because of the carrier BFT.
- 递归下降分析。描述算术表达式的LL(1)文法的递归下降分析程序 G[E]: E→TE′ E′→ATE′|ε T→FT′ T′→mft′|ε F→ (E)|i A→+|- M→*|/-Recursive descent. Descr iption arithmetic expressions LL (1) grammar recursive descent parser G [E]: E → TE ' E&#
- Defines for mft record handling in NTFS Linux kernel driver. Part of the Linux-NTFS project.
- mft.c - NTFS kernel mft record operations. Part of the Linux-NTFS project.
- Spansion FM3 MCU sample code : Software example code to use multifunction timer
mft reader
- Update, This reads the first part of the first Master File Table on a NTFS partition, and shows some of the attributes (If they exist in the mft). It uses 'OpenFile' to open the whole drive temporarily. So you need to close other programs like th