- EM算法简明教程 用于高斯分布隐马尔可夫模型的参数估计,Gentle Tutorial of the EM Algorithm and its Application to Parameter Estimation for Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models
- 实现在参数先验是高斯分布情况下,利用马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛算法来对Logistic 回归模型参数的后验分布进行抽样 -It implements different Markov Chain Monte Carlo strategies for sampling from the posterior distribution over the parameter values for Logistic Regression models with a Gaussian prior on th
- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo version of the genetic algorithm Differential Evolution: easy Bayesian computing for real parameter spaces
- 提出了一种基于函数联接的感知器神经网络的纹理分类方法.它采用高斯2马尔柯夫随机场模型(GM RF)对纹理进行描述,模型参数即为纹理特征,参数估计采用最小平方误差方法获得.将估计参数作为表达纹理的特征向量,用感知器网络对特征进行分类,并且采用函数联接的方式解决线性不可分问题.对纹理图象进行的实验表明,采用这种方法能够提高学习速度,简化计算过程,并取得较好的纹理分类效果. -Based on the function connected perceptron neural network tex
- EM算法(英文)A Gentle Tutorial of the EM Algorithm and its Application to Parameter Estimation for Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models-A Gentle Tutorial of the EM Algorithm and its Application to Parameter Estimation for Gaussian Mixture a
- HTS version 2.1 includes hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) training/adaptation/synthesis, speech parameter generation algorithm considering global variance (GV), SMAPLR/CSMAPLR adaptation, and other minor new features.
- 用准蒙特卡洛方法,即Monte-Carlo-Markov-Chain计算似然函数,确定宇宙学参数。-To calculate the likelihood and find the best parameter set.
- 这是张德丰《MATLAB概率与数理统计分析》随书源码(M文件)。代码包括的内容有:概率分布计算及统计特征、数字特征计算、统计图绘制(盒状图、散度图等)、点估计和区间估计、假设检验、方差分析、曲线拟合、回归分析、因素分析、聚类分析、正交实验设计分析、多元方差分析、判别分析、隐马尔可夫模型建模与参数估计和在语音识别中的应用。-This is Zhang Defeng " MATLAB Analysis of probability and mathematical statistics,&
- Image segmentation based on fusion of edge information and region growing with the use of Markov random fields
- Alchemy: a tool in c++ for markov logic network inference, parameter learning and structure learning
- A Gentle Tutorial of the EM Algorithm and its Application to Parameter Estimation for Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models
- 基于隐马尔可夫模型的语音单字识别研究:本文针对线性模型在语音识别中的不足, 进行了隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)在 语音单字识别中的研究,主要对观察输出概率求解、 最佳状态序列寻找、 参数估计和 模型参数的选择进行了探讨.-Based on hidden Markov model speech word recognition: the lack of the linear model in speech recognition, hidden Markov model (HMM) speec
- 是利用EM算法进行小波域隐马尔科夫模型的参数训练,这个个训练时间上比其它方法有所提高。, -The EM algorithm for wavelet domain hidden Markov model parameter training, this training time than other methods has increased. ,
- 马尔科夫链的matlab仿真,马尔可夫模型(Markov Model,MM)是统计模型,它用来描述一个含有隐含未知参数的马尔可夫过程。-Matlab simulation of Markov chains, Markov models (Markov Model, MM) is a statistical model, which is used to describe an unknown parameter containing hidden Markov process.
- A non-parametric method for texture synthesis proposed. The texture synthesis process grows a new image outward from an initial seed, one pixel at a time. A Markov random field model is assumed, and the conditional distribution of a pixel giv
- 使用马尔可夫随机场进行图像分割,包括标记场、特征场建模和参数估计等,程序可运行。-image segmentation Using Markov random field , including label Field, features field modeling and parameter estimation, the program can run.
- This is a GAUSS program. It will implement the estimation and testing procedures for a Markov switching parameter model as presented in B. Hansen "The likelihood ratio test under non-standard conditions: Testing the Markov trend model of GNP."
- This is a matlab program. It will implement the estimation and testing procedures for a Markov switching parameter model as presented in B. Hansen "The likelihood ratio test under non-standard conditions: Testing the Markov trend model of GNP."
- 马尔科夫链的参数训练达到收敛之后得到参数估计-Training Markov parameters obtained parameter estimates after reaching convergence
Parameter estimation for hidden Markov chains
- Parameter estimation for hidden Markov chains