- spca-5xx驱动+spcaview-5xx测试工具就可以驱动普通的摄像头了。Wi h$ 驱动安装完毕后,需要重启,然后插上摄像头。d 一般摄像头设备文件对应着/dev/video0[ 我的摄像头是jpeg编码的,如果需要自己写客户端的,可以直接读取video0-SPCA-5xx drive spcaview - 5xx testing tools can drive an ordinary camera of. Wi h $ driver is installed, the need to
- PCI32 is just a port of my 16-bit DOS program PCI to \"true\" win32 - that is, functionality under the 32-bit x86 builds of Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003, Longhorn/Vista and so on. This program will NOT work under DOS/WIN9x/ME/OS2/Linux etc, or any
- 笔记本路由器软件,一款Win7系统上面用的Wi-Fi路由功能软件,没有无线路由器的情况下,使用笔记本无线网卡作为无线路由器,供大家共享-Laptop router software, use a Win7 system above the Wi-Fi routing software, not the wireless router in the case, using a laptop as a wireless router, wireless card for all to share!
- 我把无线网络连接的相关API(可搜索WlanConnect查找资料)写到一个类里面,提供了一些比较便捷的接口。自己试了,也挺可以的。具体文档里面有个txt文件有个大致过程的说明。我分少,想赚点儿,如果你有分,就给我吧。如果没分,联系我我传给你,大家相互学些。QQ:403076842 木乃尹 给予VS2008 vc-I put the relevant API Wi-Fi (searchable WlanConnect Find items) wrote a class which provide