- 网络服务质量编程,采用微软的QOS API开发的,经过测试发现很实用的-network service quality programming, using Microsoft's QOS API developed, tested found very useful
Multimedia Networking and Quality of Service
- 关于QoS控制的一个经典教案,学习流媒体控制本质原理的可以- a classical teaching plan about Quality of Service
- H.323最新完全版的源代码,包括例程说明. 为了能在不保证QoS的分组交换网络上展开多媒体会议,由ITU的第15研究组SG-15于1996年通过H.323建议的第一版,并在1998年提出了H.323的第二版。H.323制定了无QoS(服务质量)保证的分组网络PBN(packet Based Networks)上的多媒体通信系统标准,这些分组网络主宰了当今的桌面网络系统,包括基于TCP/IP、IPX分组交换的以太网、快速以太网、令牌网、FDDI技术。因此,H.323标准为LAN、WAN
- 蚂蚁算法在服务质量方面的代码,主要是服务质量方面的东西-Ant Algorithm in the service quality of the code, mainly the quality of services of things
- SIP它既不是会话描述协议,也不提供会议控制功能。为了描述消息内容的负载情况和特点,SIP 使用 Internet 的会话描述协议 (SDP) 来描述终端设备的特点。SIP 自身也不提供服务质量 (QoS),它与负责语音质量的资源保留设置协议 (RSVP) 互操作。它还与若干个其他协议进行协作,包括负责定位的轻型目录访问协议 (LDAP)、负责身份验证的远程身份验证拨入用户服务 (RADIUS) 以及负责实时传输的 RTP 等多个协议。-It is not a SIP Session Descr
- ALTQ提供了「QoS」 (Quality of Service)頻寬管制功能, 它可以用過濾規則的方式來保障各種不同服務的頻寬-ALTQ is an ALTernate Queueing framework for BSD UNIX. ALTQ provides queueing disciplines and other QoS related components required to realize resource-sharing and Quality of Service. It
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- This preface introduces the QoS for Voice Over IP Solutions Guide, which explains quality of service for Voice over IP (QoS for VoIP) and addresses how to deploy end-to-end QoS for voice traffic throughout the components of an internetwork. It al
- 選擇性 ALTQ(交錯佇列,Alternate Queuing) 的功能。 ALTQ提供了「QoS」 (Quality of Service)頻寬管制功能, 它可以用過濾規則的方式來保障各種不同服務的頻寬-altq for freebsd 5.0
- 在状态转移规则的基础上,局部更新规则和全局更新的蚁群算法的规则,我们提出一个IM证明蚂蚁的最低成本的服务质量蚁群算法(QoS)的路径用于解决网络路由问题与延迟以及背包约束中进行模拟。约52.33%蚂蚁找到成功的QoS路由。并收敛到最佳。-based on the state transition rule,the local updating rule and the global updating rule of ant colony algorithm ,we propose an im p
- 保障QoS的服务决策系统设计QoS service guarant-QoS service guarantee Research and Design of Decision Support System
- Quality of Service (QoS) in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks: Evaluation of Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) and Point Coordination Function (PCF)
- 质量服务(QoS)是一种常用和滥用的术语有多种含义。在 这本书中,QoS是指综合服务(集成服务)和区分服务(DiffServ的)。 虽然这两种机制大大不同,集成服务和DiffServ的基本目标是实现 为特定应用需要的带宽和延迟-Quality of Service (QoS) is a commonly used and abused terms have multiple meanings. In this book, QoS refers to the integrated se
- 针对遗传算法应用干服务质最(QoS)组播路由时运算时间长的问题,提出一种基于集群路由器的并行遗传算法,并对集群路由器的体系结构加以改进,使其适用于该并行遗传算法的运行。-lity (QoS) multicast routing computation time long when prGenetic algorithm is used to dry the service quaoblems is proposed based on a cluster of the router paralle
- This preface introduces the QoS for Voice Over IP Solutions Guide, which explains quality of service for Voice over IP (QoS for VoIP) and addresses how to deploy end-to-end QoS for voice traffic throughout the components of an internetwork. It al
- This file contains the routines related to Quality of Service.,This file contains the routines related to Quality of Service.
- This file contains the routines related to Quality of Service.