- 欧洲fp6的WINNER的空间信道模型SCM信道的matlab仿真程序
- The channel modeling work package WP1 of IST-WINNER project provided a Matlab implementation of the WINNER Phase II Model (referred as WIM this onward). The main purpose of the WIM channel models is to generate a radio channel realisations for a
- 加入mimo,多径等 [scm-11-01-2005.zip] - 欧洲fp6的WINNER的-Join mimo, multipath, etc. [scm-11-01-2005.zip]- The WINNER of the European fp6
- This document describes a MATLAB implementation of the Interim Channel Model for Beyond-3G Systems [SCME], denoted SCME as it is an extension of the 3GPP Spatial Channel Model (SCM) [SCM]. Note that this SCM extension is not associated with the 3GPP
- 该文件主要是针对3GPP LTE SCME信道模型的matlab源程序文件-This document describes a MATLAB implementation of the Interim Channel Model for Beyond-3G Systems [SCME], denoted SCME as it is an extension of the 3GPP Spatial Channel Model (SCM) [SCM]. Note that this SCM
Matlab winner信道模型源码
- 文件中包含了3GPP case1环境下要求的winner信道源码,适用于LTE系统级仿真平台。