- huffman 哈夫曼编/译码器 利用哈夫曼编码进行通信可以大大提高1言道利用率,缩短信息传速时间,降低传输成本。但是.这要求在发送端通过一个编码系统对待传数据预先编码.在接收端将传来的数据进行译码(复原)。对于双工信道(即可以双向传输俏息的信道),每端都需要一个完整的编/译码系统。试为这样的信息收发站写一个哈夫曼码的编/译码系统。 -huffman Huffman encoder/decoder to communicate using Huffman coding can
- it is a speech recovery system which can remove noise from received signal
- Compressive sampling is an emerging technique that promises to effectively recover a sparse signal from far fewer measurements than its dimension. The compressive sampling theory assures almost an exact recovery of a sparse signal if the signal is se
- Compressive sensing (CS) has been proposed for signals with sparsity in a linear transform domain. We explore a signal dependent unknown linear transform, namely the impulse response matrix operating on a sparse excitation, as in the linear mod
- Compressive sensing (CS) has been proposed for signals with sparsity in a linear transform domain. We explore a signal dependent unknown linear transform, namely the impulse response matrix operating on a sparse excitation, as in the linear model of