- MusicStore,实现了音乐的上传等功能,有增删改查的功能,是MVC三层架构模式。数据库是自动附加的。- This tutorial will begin by creating a new ASP.NET MVC 2 project using the free Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (which is free), and then we’ll incrementally add features to create a compl
- 用于flash/flex的 as3的 2D图形图像图表的动态生成-Flare is a collection of Actionscr ipt 3 classes for building a wide variety of interactive visualizations. For example, flare can be used to build basic charts, complex animations, network diagrams, treemaps, and mor
- 复杂网络的基础,无标度网络程序 采用轮赌算法-The basis of complex network, scale-free network using round of betting algorithm procedure
- This book includes nine examples that represent typical design tasks of an automotive engineer. It shows how The MathWorks modeling and simulation tools, Simulink® and Stateflow,TM facilitate the design of automotive control systems. Each exam
- OpenGL编程之摄像漫游VC源码演示,这是学程序编游戏系列丛书中的一个实例,源码无错,编译顺利。窗口中运动的雷达和飞机是可以用键盘控制的,↑进 ↓退 →右 ←左 UP仰 DOWM俯,程序运行后会自动搜索视频渲染模式,如果找不到,会给出提示,程序也就不能运行,好好研究一下吧,这东西对编写三维游戏用得上-OpenGL programming of the camera roaming VC source code demo, this is the game of procedures compi
- 计算一个圆柱体漂浮在自由水面上所受到的流体作用力-Caculating Hydrodynamics of a cylinder floating on the free surface using Limited Element Method
- USB_M8_RGBLED彩灯(源码资料包 ),使用免驱动USB CDC技术-USB_M8_RGBLED lantern (Source data package), using the free driver USB CDC technology
- 冒险岛自由市场蹲店用的.找图的方法!..本来是打算自己用的..现在不想弄了..所以放出源码~-Adventure Island squatting shop using the free market. To find ways to map
- 使用免费控件IAXOCX在VC中开发软电话。-Make a softphone in VC using the free ActiveX IAXOCX.
- FreeRTOS book for beginners. Dicription of basic principles works in FreeRTOS operating system for microcontrollers.
- 软件简介: EXE捆绑机可以将两个可执行文件(EXE文件)捆绑成一个文件,运行捆绑后的文件等于同时运行了两个文件。它会自动更改图标,使捆绑后的文件与捆绑前的文件图标一样。 产品说明: 一直以来,我们都秉承着免费的精神,为大家提供各种软件,但遗憾的是由于某些原因,这些软件总是被杀毒软件查杀,被冠以病毒之名。这给很多软件的忠实用户带来了不少的麻烦,使用软件时会被杀毒软件杀掉而无法使用,如果关闭杀毒软件又会给病毒可乘之机。 为了保证用户可以正常使用软
- MySQL数据库连接池的实现代码,完整傻瓜化的注释,解决了中文读取的乱码问题,使用标准mysql开发函数,VC++6.0编译通过,两天两夜才写完,无偿分享!-MySQL database connection pool implementation code, a complete fool of the comments to solve the garbage problem reading Chinese, using the standard mysql development func
- This is a Fortran code simulating the heat and mass transfer in porous media by solving the non-Darcy flow by applying the streamfunction-vorticity method to calculate the velocity field without any need to calculate the pressure field and using the
- 自己写的用matlab实现的无噪声程序,包含随机产生信号,然后增加伪随机代码,最后修正信号的过程。-Using matlab to achieve their own written procedures for noise-free, contains randomly generated signals, and then increase the pseudo-random code, last amended signals.
- 本系统采用msp430f5438单片机为主控芯片,L298N驱动级来驱动步进电机,利用按键模块实现模式的切换,同时通过精密电位器的测量,实现对步进电机的控制。在软件中,将自由摆的角度与步进电机的步进数之间建立一个对应关系,采用模糊控制算法和PID控制算法,使步进电机得到更加精确的控制。-The system uses msp430f5438 microcontroller as the master chip, L298N driver stage to drive the stepper mo
- 三菱plc的labview控件,用于直接控制PLC的,方便PC读写,采用自由模式-Mitsubishi plc' s labview control for direct control of the PLC, to facilitate PC to read and write, using the free mode
- 这是在PC端使用S7 M SC om M控制,在S - 200 C侧使用免费的PI端口通信,实现他们之间的信息交换,来创建一个简单的分布式控制系统。1 s7 - 200系列P LC自由端口通信方式 -This is in the PC End use of 7 M SC om M controls, in S- 200 PI C side using the free port Communication, realize the information exchange between t
- This thesis focused on solving the Darcy flow problem using divergence-free isogeometric methods, and comparing these results to the ones obtained using traditional finite element methods with Taylor Hood elements. A short introduction to B-splin
- 栽豆迷你博客 MiniBlog 3.0 是在2.0rc版本【原仿饭否2.0RC1】上修正而来,此版本免费版依然采用Asp+Access程序构架,采用代码与程序半分离的形式,并且运用了部分缓存,增加了安全过滤;适合喜欢迷你博客的朋友使用,任何一个支持asp+access的空间都能够轻松构架;-Beans planted in a mini blog MiniBlog 3.0 2.0rc version [original] 2.0RC1 imitation rice has come on the
- 常微分方程数值解法:欧拉法,并将其应用于自由落体问题(here is the matlab code for solving the ordinary differential equation by using the Eular method. besides, the author also gave an example for testing.)