8PSK误码率分析 误码率(BER:biterror)是衡量数据在规定时间内数据传输精确性的指标。误码率=传输中的误码/所传输的总码数*100 。如果有误码就有误码率。
-8PSK analysis of bit error rate BER (BER: biterror) is a measure of data in the time indicator of the accuracy of data transmission. Bit error rate of BER = trans
德州仪器(TI)宣布推出业界首款带硬件定位引擎的片上系统(SoC)解决方案 CC2431,以
满足低功耗 ZigBee/IEEE802.15.4 无线传感器网络应用的需求。这款来自 Chipcon 产品系列
安全监控网络等应用,此外,TI领先的 ZigBee协议栈 Z-Stack 还提供有关支持。
CC2431 建立在业界首款针对低功耗 RF 应用的 SoC 解决方案 CC2430 的基础之上
复杂网络相似性指标的实现和对比,同时可以实现无标度网络和邻耦网络两个复杂网络的预测。并对预测结果进行评估。改进了预测算法,提出了预测精度评价的新指标,使精度评价更准确。-Implementation and comparison of the complex network of similar indicators, and can achieve scale-free network and neighbor coupled network prediction of two complex
MT4黄金外汇交易软件,进出场点指标,已验证,准确率在70 以上,使用时把文件复制到指标文件夹,重启MT4即可。-MT4 the Gold Forex trading software, into the exit point indicators verified the accuracy rate of over 70 , using the files are copied to the indicator file folder, restart MT4 can.
由32位MCU为主控制器,通过AD转换,对音频信号进行采样,把连续信号离散化,然后通过FFT快速傅氏变换运算,在时域和频域对音频信号各个频率分量以及功率等指标进行分析和处理,然后通过高分辨率的LCD对信号的频谱进行显示。该系统能够精确测量的音频信号频率范围为20Hz-10KHz,其幅度范围为5mVpp-5Vpp,分辨力分为20Hz和100Hz两档。测量功率精确度高达1 ,并且能够准确的测量周期信号的周期,-Main controller by a 32-bit MCU, via the AD c
红蝴蝶指标,对市场预测能达到80 以上的正确率,该指标过滤了很多错误信号,非常好用,市面上买来的-Red Butterfly indicators, market forecast to reach more than 80 accuracy rate, the indicator signal filtering a lot of mistakes, very easy to use, the market bought
给出了三站无源雷达对空中目标定位的精度分析.以几何稀释精度(GDOP)作为精度的指标.-Analysis gives a three-station passive radar for air target positioning accuracy. Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) as an indicator of the accuracy.
With the improvement of the living standard, people pay more and more attention to self-health. Body temperature is an important indicator of health. Detection of this physiological index is the first step for self-assessment of health condition. The
包含优化类的几个简单示例程序,混沌的判断指标Lyapunov指数计算,正确率可以达到98%。- Optimization class contains several simple sample programs, Chaos indicator for Lyapunov index calculation, Accuracy can reach 98 .
MT4专用指标 三周期共振入场 吃尾部 准确率挺高的,建议先模拟熟悉指标后再决定是否用于实盘操作(Special MT4 indicator Three cycles resonance Eat the tail in high accuracy, it is recommended that first simulate familiar indicators before deciding whether to offer operation)
准确率在70%的趋势指标,非常好用的指标,有箭头提示(Accuracy is 70% trend indicator, very useful indicator, with arrow hints)
Quartz is one of the best indicator that you can use to trade with a high percentage of accuracy and make live operations without fair.
Arch, is one of the best indicator to use in the forex markets, and actually has the best accuracy to trade automatically.
Nexus, is one of the best indicator to use in the forex markets, and actually has the best accuracy to trade automatically.
Sir Binary, is one of the best indicator to use in the forex markets, and actually has the best accuracy to trade automatically.
Clubinarias ,is one of the best indicator to use in the forex markets, and actually has the best accuracy to trade automatically.