- 该程序是利用opencv编写的,实现的是在一幅图像中添加高斯噪声的功能。,The program is to use opencv prepared to realize is that in an image to add Gaussian noise function.
- 图像加椒盐噪声,高斯噪声,乘性等相关噪声-Image Add salt and pepper noise, Gaussian noise, multiplicative noise, etc.
- 这个程序用于在图片中增加各种噪声,如高斯椒盐噪声, 加性或乘性等多种混合噪声,用于其它程序的测试。-This procedure is used to increase the variety of picture noise, such as salt and pepper Gaussian noise, additive or multiplicative noise, such as a mixture for testing other programs.
- 基于c++BUILD的图像噪声处理,有各种滤波法去除各种噪声,还有添加各种噪声的方法-Based on c++ BUILD deal of image noise, there are a variety of filtering method to remove all kinds of noise, there are ways to add a variety of noise
- MATLAB 给图像添加各种噪声:如椒盐噪声,高斯噪声、乘性噪声等等。-MATLAB add all kinds of noise to the image: If salt and pepper noise, Gaussian noise, multiplicative noise and so on.
- imnoise2 generate random noise to add image in image processing
- Image denoising with wavelet We first load an image, and add some noise to it The orthogonal wavelet transform is not very efficient for image denoising because it lacks translation invariance. This is why there is so many reconstruction artifact
- 对图像添加各种噪声 高斯噪声 淑盐噪声-Add a variety of image noise, Gaussian noise, noise, salt-sook
- 这是一个关于图像处理的简单例子,基于matlab 7.0 GUI,对图像进行添加噪声,并显示效果。-This is a simple example on image processing, based on matlab 7.0 GUI, add the image noise, and display the results.
- It s code that to add Gaussian noise to your Image
- 该程序用于对图像加入高斯噪声,然后对该图像的噪声进行去噪-The program is used by adding Gaussian noise to the image, and then the noise of the image denoising
- 图象的噪声模型的添加已经信噪比的处理,图象灰度的修正,图象的平滑/图象的锐化等-Add image noise model has been the handling of signal to noise ratio, image gray correction, image smoothing/sharpening and other image
- MATLAB® is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster th
- MATLAB® is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster th
- 图像处理作业 用matlab显示直方图 累积分布函数 加高斯噪声 再用平滑降噪 都是自己编的程序-Given the test image "Lenna" 256*256 with 256 gray levels, do the following: 1) Using MATLAB display the test image. 2) Display the intensity histogram of the test image. 3) Using the im
- 本工程程序对lena施加Pa=Pb=0.1的椒盐噪声,然后采用3*3中值滤波处理,给出去噪前后的图像。-The engineering process for lena put Pa = Pb = 0.1 salt and pepper noise, then a 3* 3 median filtering, give the image before and after denoising.
- GUI添加图像噪声,可以自己输入噪声参数-GUI add image noise,You can enter your own noise parameters
- 基于MATLAB的图形降噪,典型的BMP图像文件由三部分组成,位图文件头数据结构-Image denoising base on matlab,we selected the criteria image of Lena, add Gaussian noise and impulse noise with different strength
- matlab 图片的除噪,先给图片添加椒盐早上,后通过中值滤波,除掉噪声-matlab image noise removal, give the picture to add salt and pepper in the morning, after the adoption of the median filter to get rid of the noise
- 原图像,加噪图像,小波变换去噪图像的对比以及当前的psnr值。-The original image, add image noise, contrast and image de-noising wavelet transform current psnr value.