- 很好的关于人脸识别的毕业论文,从中国知网付费下载得到,《基于HMM具有年龄变化的人脸识别技术研究 》希望对大家有用。-About Face Recognition of good theses, pay-per-download from the Chinese HowNet be, " HMM-based face recognition with age changes in technology research," I hope useful to everyone.
- Human face contains a variety of information for adaptive social interactions amongst people. In fact, individuals are able to process a face in a variety of ways to categorize it by its identity, along with a number of other demographic characterist
- 基于年龄累计直方积累的人脸识别与鉴别算法比较-Cumulative Histogram Based on the accumulation of age, face recognition compared with the discrimination algorithm
- It is more than 10 years since the first tentative experiments in ear biometrics were conducted and it has now reached the “adolescence” of its development towards a mature biometric. Here we present a timely retrospective of the ensuing rese
- 进行人脸识别,提取男女性别特征,年龄特征,并且运用了支持向量机的方法进行识别-For face recognition, extraction gender characteristics, age characteristics, and using support vector machine (SVM) method to recognize
- 人工智能成为了新时代的宠儿,但在人工智能上我们的设备还有很大的空间,就如语音系统识别率低-Artificial intelligence became the darling of the new age, but in artificial intelligence on our equipment with a lot of space, such as voice system recognition rate low
- 根据社会保险发展状况的现实需求,本系统采用了客户端/服务器模式,以WCF技术为支持,以.NET技术为基础,以C#作为开发语言,使用SQL2005数据库开发,建立了保险收费系统。社会保险经办中心委托银行收取保费。本系统将对数据库的操作方法封装在服务器端,银行客户端通过接口进行调用,确保了系统的安全。保险收费系统主要实现了自动识别保险缴费类别、根据参保人的性别、年龄、划拨比例等因素计算保险费用,总额包括个人账户金、大病金和统筹金,收取保险费用等信息化需求。 本系统以社会保险费用管理作为服务对
- PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE(模式识别和机器学习的经典期刊)上对于Facial Age Estimation by Learning from Label Distributions的详尽描述。附有文章原文及相关代码。-For a detailed descr iption of Facial Age Estimation by Learning from Label Distributions of (pattern recognition
- openbr,是一个类似opencv的三方库,有强大的人脸识别,人脸性别分类,年龄估计等功能实现,需要的可以下载安装-Openbr, is a three parties of similar opencv library, has a strong face recognition, facial gender classification, age estimation function implementation, need to download and install
- 一个自己写的图像奇异值重构程序,对图像的奇异值进行分解重构,其中a为扰动系数-A Discriminative Model for Age Invariant Face Recognition
Age and Gender recognizer
- age and gender recognition syste
- Age invariant face recognition
- Face recognition age invariant
- 拍照,通过相片来进行人脸识别,判断人的性别,年龄(Pictures, face recognition through photos, judge a person's sex, age)
AgeDetect code
- Age range prediction system using fingerprint recognition
- 虹软ArcFace离线人脸识别SDK为了帮助中小企业打破技术壁垒,开放提供免费的人脸检测、人脸比对、人脸跟踪、性别检测、年龄识别以及关键点等功能的SDK。(In order to help small and medium-sized enterprises break the technical barriers, Hongsoft ArcFace Offline Face Recognition SDK provides free SDK functions such as face det