- Distributed Median,Alice has an array A, and Bob has an array B. All elements in A and B are distinct. Alice and Bob are interested in finding the median element of their combined arrays.
- 利用动态规划算法解决猜测弹珠位置的问题Alice and Bob are playing a game. This game is played with several identical pots and one marble.-Alice and Bob are playing a game. This game is played with several identical pots and one marble. When the game starts, Alice puts th
- 基于Kerboros的通信客户端服务器,包括四个模块,Alice,AS,TGS和Bob-Kerboros based on client-server communication, including the four modules, Alice, AS, TGS and Bob
- 单点登录源代码,其中BOB开两个程序,被认为BOB,和ALIC两个用户,BOB与ALICE想要通信,AS,TGS为服务器,帮助他们交换密码,保护通信安全-Single Sign-source code, one of the two specific procedures BOB was considered BOB, and ALIC two users, BOB and ALICE want communication, AS, TGS for the server to help them
- 基于语言的安全代码的小实现:Alice and Bob 参加考试,多选实验场景的模型-Language-based security code implementation. In this lab you have to implement a model of a multiple choice exam for the scenario where students Alice and Bob are taking the exam.
- 模仿CA颁发证书模式,模拟证书颁发与认证。并假设Alice给Bob发送加密后的文档及文档的签名,Bob验证Alice证书的正确性和加密文档的正确性并最终解密文档。执行顺序为CA_Key-->CA-->Alice-->拷贝Alice的证书和加密文档给Bob-->Bob-Imitation of the CA that issued the certificate mode, analog certification and certification. And assume
- 证书制作, 数字签名,证书颁发,身份识别。-Imitate CA certificate model, simulate a certificate and the authentication. And assumed that Alice to Bob send encrypted document after document and signature, Bob verify the correctness of the Alice certificate and the correct
- Alice和Bob还有其他几位好朋友在一起玩传话游戏。这个游戏是这样进行的:首先,所有游戏者按顺序站成一排,Alice站第一位,Bob站最后一位。然后,Alice想一句话悄悄告诉第二位游戏者,第二位游戏者又悄悄地告诉第三位,第三位又告诉第四位……以此类推,直到倒数第二位告诉Bob。两位游戏者在传话中,不能让其他人听到,也不能使用肢体动作来解释。最后,Bob把他所听到的话告诉大家,Alice也把她原本所想的话告诉大家。 由于传话过程中可能出现一些偏差,游戏者越多,Bob最后听到的话就与