- 源码学习apidemos源码学些源码学习-We ve completely redesigned Android Market for phones to make it easier to explore Android apps, games, and other content. Look for the new version coming to your Android phone!
- ANDROID第三期,MARKET及应用发布,资料齐全!-ANDROID III, MARKET and application release complete information!
- eoeAndroid特刊 第三期 Android Market及应用发布-eoeAndroid special issues and application of the third release of Android Market
- android核心技术书籍,市面上讲解开发应用开发的很多,不过很少有讲解核心部分,与大家共享了!-android core technical books, market development and application development to explain the many, but few explain the core, and share it!
- 【eoeAndroid特刊】第三期Android Market及应用发布.pdf-Special Report】 【eoeAndroid and application of the third release of Android Market. Pdf
- This practical book provides the concepts and code you need to develop software with Android, the open-source platform for cell phones and mobile devices that s generating enthusiasm across the industry. Based on the Linux operating system and develo
- androidmarketlience,开源的-android market opensource
- 【eoeAndroid特刊】第三期:Android Market及应用发布,本期是eoeAndroid特刊的第三期, Android Market并不仅仅是Google的一个应用程序商店-Special Report】 【eoeAndroid III: Android Market and application publishing, the current special issue is eoeAndroid third, Android Market is not just a Goog
- 【eoeAndroid特刊】第五期 Android widget,android 是个国际化的手机操作系统,android market 也是个世界共享的大市场,要想使的自己的应用被 更多人用到,你必须考虑的一个问题就是“国际化”,说到国际化,其不仅仅代表界面显示的语言文字, 其还包括诸如界面风格,图片等等资源的国际化!-Special Report】 【eoeAndroid fifth Android widget, android, an international mobile p
- 本书由国内Android知名专业开发团队eoeMobile团队倾心撰写。eoeMoblie团队国内最早一批专注于Android开发的专业团队,目前团队已经在Google Market上有超过5款的作品,-Written by well-known domestic Android development team eoeMobile professional team focused writing. eoeMoblie team to focus on the earliest batch o
- android 上传应用程序到google market 步骤-android upload steps applications to google market
- 近年来由于网络电台的兴起,广播电台又逐渐有了市场,手机上如果有一个网络电台软件,使用率应该是比较高的。目前的主流智能手机平台中,iphone和 symbian都已经有了这类软件,介绍在Android上做这方面的经验。-The rise in recent years as Internet radio, radio stations and gradually with the market, mobile phone software if there is a radio network,
- android开发者成功经验分享,Chris(克里斯)是一位来自波兰的Android应用开发者,最为一名非著名的开发者他开发的应用在Android Market上免费提供下载-android developers share the successful experience, Chris (Chris) is the one from Poland' s Android application developers, the most famous of a non-developer
- 1章 掀起你的盖头来——初识Android. 1 1.1 认识Android 1 1.2 Android的背景 2 1.2.1 Android的历史 2 1.2.2 Android的发展 2 1.3 我的Android我做主 2 1.3.1 开发基于Android平台的应用 3 1.3.2 参加Android开发者大赛 3 1.3.3 个人英雄主义再现——得到更多人的认可和尊重 3 1.3.4 获得应有的收益——Android Market
- This document about mobile phone market. Now Android smart phone take the first place in mobile phone market.-This is document about mobile phone market. Now Android smart phone take the first place in mobile phone market.
- 这本傻子教程教会你怎样为诸如Droid X,Galaxy s等手机开发应用程序,怎样将你的应用程序发布到Android电子市场!-By reading the book, we can learn to create apps for smartphones for Droid X,Galaxy s.Download the SDK and get Eclipse up and running.Code android applications .Submit your apps to the
- 1、Google Checkout简介&开通流程 --介绍什么是Google Checkout以及开通Google Checkout的流程。 2、Android Market简介&注册过程 --介绍Android Market以及其注册流程 3、准备发布:一份核查清单 --介绍发布应用前需要做的准备工作 4、应用程序签名 --发布前,需要对你的应用进行签名 5、发布你的应用 --本篇介绍如何发布你的应用 6、对应用程序进行版本管理 --本篇介绍如何管理
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- Android API中文版,市面上比较少的AndroidAPI中文版,让你学Android更加简单、-The Chinese version of the Android API, the market less AndroidAPI Chinese version, so you learn Android easier. .
- 里面包含了webservice的服务端和安卓客户端,双方可以进行数据通信,例如用户的注册,登录,文件的上传下载等等.-Which contains a webservice client service and Android client, the two sides can communicate data, such as user registration, login, uploading and downloading files and so on.