- 可以画出3D的字体效果,好象雕刻一样的效果。VB源码。-can draw 3D font effects, as if carved the same effect. VB source.
- 第一章 OpenGL与三维图形世界 ? 1.1 OpenGL使人们进入三维图形世界 1.2 OpenGL提供直观的三维图形开发环境 1.3 OpenGL称为目前三维图形开发标准 第二章 OpenGL概念建立 2.1 OpenGL基本理解 2.2 OpenGL工作流程 2.3 OpenGL图形操作步骤 第三章 Windows NT环境下的OpenGL 3.1 Windows NT下的Open
- 4tH compiler是一个稍有不同的Forth 编译器,不像标准Forth 引擎所提供的常规编译器。4tH 是一个非常小的编译器,它可以生成字节码,嵌入式C字节码,单独的可执行文件,但是它也可以作为一个脚本语言-4tH compiler is a slightly different Fortran compiler, Unlike standard Forth engine provided by conventional compilers. 4tH is a very small co
- 可以作为3D游戏基础-3D games can be used as the basis
- 很多几何图形的画法,如三维图形、曲线及曲面的绘制,三次样条曲线,BEYOND,曲面,Beziel曲线等-many geometric shapes of paint, such as 3D graphics, curve and surface mapping, cubic spline curve, BEYOND, surface, curve Beziel
- 是一个简单的实现了基本图形学算法的程序,包括绘制图元,区域填充,三维变换等算法的实现-is a simple realization of the basic graphics algorithm procedures, including mapping map yuan, regional filling, such as 3D Transform algorithm implementation
- 计算机图形学绘制一个三维几何图形,立方体等三维图形-computer graphics rendering a three-dimensional geometric shapes, such as 3D cube
- java3d Loader 能load 很多种3d文件 格式 如.3ds,.obj,.wrl,.ocb,.dxf.,java3d Loader can load many 3d formats such as .3 ds,. Obj,. WRL,. 2003,. Dxf.
- this a 3d fdtd code using matlab and it can be used as a reference for other structures. Dear sir, i need the VIP access please let me have it.,this a 3d fdtd code using matlab and it can be used as a reference for other structures. Dear sir, i n
- 一个类似于3D MAX的基于OpenGL的三维开发系统,功能非常强大,需要用到下面的gloop.zip-An system which is based on OpenGL as 3d MAX, very power function, needing gloop.zip under it
- windows ce 下的3D桌面,其主要特色是,图标是股子,并且能根据鼠标的滑动和按下等来改变转动的方向和速度。很新颖。-windows ce of 3D desktop, its main characteristics is that the icon is股子, and in accordance with the mouse, such as sliding and pressing to change the direction and speed of rotation. Very
- 3D Game Engine Programming一书源代码中更新的部分,以及相关章节的更正和升级文件。-3D Game Engine Programming book source code to update the part, as well as the relevant sections of the corrections and updates.
- This book is an introduction to programming interactive 3D computer graphics using DirectX 9.0, with an emphasis on game development. It teaches you the fundamentals of Direct3D, after which you will be able to go on to learn and apply more adv
- 无语了,得怎么说呢,还得20个字以上才行,就是一个简单的3D程序呗-Silent, and very how should I say, have to more than 20 characters because as is a simple 3D program Bai
- 3D魔方程序源代码 采用VC++6.0开发 使用了OPENGL 代码比较简单 可以作为新手学习的范例-3D Cube source code developed using VC++6.0 using OPENGL relatively simple code can be used as an example of novice learning
- 3d 图形图像处理的原理与方法,用c++作为讲解的例子,是初学者比较好的助手。-3d graphics principles and methods of image processing, using c++ as an example to explain it is better for beginners assistant.
- 《Foucs on 3D Models》书籍源码,非常好的研究3D模型的书籍,讲解了多种3D模型的结构,以及与3D相关的一些知识。-《Foucs on 3D Models》 book source, a very good 3D model of the books, to explain a variety of 3D model of the structure, as well as some 3D-related knowledge.
- 现在开始生成真正的3D对象,而不是象前两节课中那样3D世界中的2D对象。我们给三角形增加一个左侧面,一个右侧面,一个后侧面来生成一个金字塔(四棱锥)。给正方形增加左、右、上、下及背面生成一个立方体。 -Now start generating real 3D object, rather than as the first two courses in the world in 2D as 3D objects. We give an increase in the left side of
- Save vtk volume as 3D image Raw format
- 3D数学是一门与计算几何相关的学科,计算几何则是研究怎样用数值方法解决几何问题的学科。3D数学和计算几何广泛应用在那些使用计算机来模拟3D世界的领域,如图形学、游戏、仿真、机器人技术、虚拟现实和动画等。(3D mathematics is a subject related to computational geometry. Computational geometry is the subject of studying how to solve geometric problems by