- 这款带有3D效果的超酷flash+xml互动画廊/照片墙特效,支持鼠标响应立体旋转幻灯图片,支持相册图片描述和超链接,带有4种不同3D立体效果的幻灯特效,压缩包附有FLA和AS源文件。-The effect of interaction with 3D cool flash+xml Gallery/photo wall effects, mouse support in response to rotating slide picture album, support picture descr
Lcd_Blink Lpc1768
- The LCD_Blinky project is a simple program for the NXP 'LPC1768' microcontroller using Keil 'MCB1700' evaluation board and demonstrating interrupt functionality and display to graphic LCD. (compliant to Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Stand