- ClustanGraphics聚类分析工具。提供了11种聚类算法。 Single Linkage (or Minimum Method, Nearest Neighbor) Complete Linkage (or Maximum Method, Furthest Neighbor) Average Linkage (UPGMA) Weighted Average Linkage (WPGMA) Mean Proximity Centroid (UPGMC)
- Gactoolbox 工具箱,针对图的图聚类工具,克服一般聚类方法不能应用于图的缺点-Gactoolbox is a summary of our research of agglomerative clustering on a graph. Agglomerative clustering, which iteratively merges small clusters, is commonly used for clustering because it is conceptually s
- 基于Pythoon的数值聚类分类算法,基于Python的三维立体点的空间最近邻分类(This example shows the effect of imposing a connectivity graph to capture local structure in the data. The graph is simply the graph of 20 nearest neighbors. Two consequences of imposing a connectivity can b
- 1) 使用凝聚型层次聚类算法(即最小生成树算法)对所有数据点进行聚类,最后聚成3类。相异度定义方法可选择single linkage、complete linkage、average linkage或者average group linkage中任意一种。 2) 使用C-Means算法对所有数据点进行聚类。C=3。 任务2(必做): 使用高斯混合模型(GMM)聚类算法对所有数据点进行聚类。C=3。并请给出得到的混合模型参数(包括比例??、均值??和协方差Σ)。 任务3(全做): 1) 参考数据文