- mt imei alow change imei number
imei writer
- mtk 改串号软件 很好用 以测试 请放心使用 谢谢大家-mtk Change IMEI Please be assured that the software used to test very well thank you
- 图像预处理中的图像去噪声,滤波器的程序,能把带噪声的图像还原,敬请关注- ADJCONTRAST- Adjusts image contrast using sigmoid function. function g = adjcontrast(im, gain, cutoff) Arguments: im - image to be processed. gain - controls the a
- MSNP-Sharp是一个能与MSN Messenger(现Windows Live Messenger)服务连接并向客户端编程人员提供相应的IM服务的“中间件”,其前身为DotMSN。它面向.NET开发人员,能使开发人员开发各种基于 Windows Live Messenger服务的客户端程序,例如MSN机器人和开发自己的MSN客户端。 MSNPSharp支持MSN绝大部分的功能,包括:聊天,发送、接收离线消息,接收用户显示图片,更改自己显示图片,文件传送,闪屏震动等等。-MSNP-
- 一款拥有漂亮界面的IM工具,同时支持*信息功能,设置网络链接功能,受到信息改变图标的功能,更重要的是,他还是有很多注释的-IM has a nice interface, tools, support mass messaging, set up the network link feature, change the icon by the information function, more importantly, he still has a lot of comments! ! !
- 由C#开发的IM软件,类似QQ的即时通讯功能,有聊天窗,好友列表,群聊窗口等,语音,视频,P2P文件传输,好友列表,表情,图文发送等。功能全面。代码是使用PRTX的IM开发包所开发,所以要先安装PRTX SDK http://www.webim.cn/download/PRTX_530.rar 在这上面改一下就可以改为自己的IM。-The IM software developed by C#, similar QQ instant messaging, chat window, buddy l
- Root-mean-square error and mean-square signal-to-noise ratio F(x,y) the original image , F’(x,y) the decompressed image , the original image change to JPG and then JPG change to Im. Observe to Error- ratio. - Root-mean-squ
- wfmm_WFMM Openmp version wideband FMM for 2D complex Helmholtz equation.zip-This is the code for the Wideband Fast Multipole Method for 2D Helmholtz equation.testrun.c is a test or demonstration file to use wfmm() . By modifying testrun.c file, the