- 程序简介: 本程序是用Java实现的分形程序,实现了绘制M集分形的功能,并且可以方便的管理分形的颜色,可以将绘制得到的分形保存为图片文件,更可以对选中的一片分形区域进行反复的放大绘制。 程序采用Java语言书写,在编写过程中十分注重程序的架构,采用了完全的面向对象的程序设计方法。程序代码整洁清晰,在适当的地方做了注释,以方便大家的阅读和研究。-guide : This procedure is used Java Fractal procedures to achieve the map
- This the J2ME code for the Jumping game .. here the Patrick, the hero of San Francisco city wants to destroy the entire road gangster’s car to make sure they are dead on the spot and the Freeways are clean for the people of United States. Patrick wan
- Jarkanoid is a Java arkanoid game with bouncer physics, bonuses, customizable walls and clean code. Useful as an educational tool on simple game design. Also my early Java university project. You can still see the early bits of documentation (in poli
- 用JAVA写的超级马里奥。 The code is basically undocumented, but should be readable anyway as it s fairly clean. The main entry points are AppletLauncher and FrameLauncher. The main game is in MarioComponent. "sonar" is the base of a software sound eng
- 同学写用Java写的 模仿千千静听音乐播放器源代码,界面超漂亮,程序代码简洁,不过程序比较综合,估计没有基础的JAVA朋友不好看懂,想研究一下的可下载试试。编译时需要在Eclipse下打开,并导入源码包目录下的必要库文件才行。-Students to write in Java to write the music player to imitate TTPlayer source code, the interface super-nice, clean code, but more comp
- 这是一篇描述Unrealscr ipt编程语言的技术文档。它不是指南,也没有提供有用的Unrealscr ipt代码的详细例子。要获得Unrealscr ipt的例子,读者可以参考引擎的源代码,它提供了成千上万行的有效代码,用来解决许多例如AI、运动、武器装备和触发事件等很多问题。最好的入门方式是查看"Actor"、"Object(物体)"、 "Controller(控制器)"、 "Pawn(士兵)" "Weapon(武器)"的脚本。 本文档假设读者使用过C/C++或 Java编程语言、熟
- Java社区医院挂号系统,mysql数据库+myeclipse+tomcat 完整源代码,数据库文件,界面干净整洁。-Java community hospital registration system, mysql + myeclipse+ tomcat complete source code, files, clean interface.