- 网卡的启用与禁用代码运行服务器端后,客户端可通过ip进行连接,使用udp,支持客户端上传,监控屏幕,以及在服务器运行程序等功能,功能比较强大。具体细节请参考源代码。-card with the opening of Prohibited code running server, the client can connect through ip, udp used to support client to upload, monitor screens, and the server opera
- 可以在cmwap上用socket的代码,cmwap是只能用http协议的,但这个可以帮你实现socket来连接.-SMS can be used in the socket code, SMS is only used http protocol, but this can help you achieve socket to connect.
- USB Manager(usbmgr) 0.4.8 Shuu Yamaguchi <shuu@wondernetworkresources.com> Special Helper: Philipp Thomas When USB devices connect to or disconnect from a USB hub, the usbmgr works as the following according to configuration. a) It loads and u
- mysql 5.1的 jdbc驱动 connector/J 5.1 支持Mysql 4.1、Mysql 5.0、Mysql 5.1、Mysql 6.0 alpha这些版本。 connector/J 5.0 支持MySQL 4.1、MySQL 5.0 servers、distributed transaction (XA)。 connector/J 3.1 支持MySQL 4.1、MySQL 5.0 servers、MySQL 5.0 except distributed transacti
- TFT2.4汉字2样例程序,解摸屏接线 用杜邦线连接以下几脚 PEN_Q 接 P37 DOUT 接 P36 BUSY 接 P35 DIN 接 P34 CS 接 P33 DCLK 接 P32 SD卡接线 用杜邦线连接以下引脚 CS 接 P31 MOSI 接 P30 SCK 接 P21 MISO 接 P20 程序“2G以下SD卡电子相册 240320” 由于51单片机较慢所以显示的速度也是非常慢 显
- Town是一个100% 纯Java API,它位于JDBC API的顶部。这个API的目的是简化和一个JDBC兼容的关系数据库的交互。通过使用Town,可以执行和管理select/insert/update/delete SQL语句,而不用真正写一行SQL。Town也可以使用任何JDBC连接字符串和内部连接池。-Town is 100% pure Java API, it is located JDBC API the crown. This API goal is the simplific
- 一个opc连接服务器的实例源码,用过挺好用的-Opc connect an instance of the server source code, used very good use
- glibc-linuxthread 连接C库函数-glibc-linuxthread connect C library function
- xrdp-0.4.1是最新版本的xrdp。xrdp-0.4.1目录下的主要有xrdp,sesman。xrdp是主要的server code,sesman目录是xrdp的session manager。其它的目录是xup,rdp,vnc则是rdp server的功能的扩展。但如果完全实现linux 上的TS功能,还需要XRDP_X11rdp.rar来编译支持X11 server。-xrdp-0.4.1 is the latest version of xrdp. rdp 0.4.1 proje
- program in Prolog for connect 4.. only computer demo.
- program in Prolog for connect 4.. 2 player game
- Popout game (like connect 4). Has AI that plays against a human player.
- This program which is written in SWI-Prolog makes the "connect 4" game. just type "play." to start seeing the play. There are two opponents there, X and O which are both computer and compete.
- This a connect 4 game that I implemented in my assignment using VC-This is a connect 4 game that I implemented in my assignment using VC++
- connect 4 for prolog
[GUIDE] connect 4 game code
- prolog connect 4 game guideline in ppt
[prolog] connect 4
- prolog connect 4 game guideline
[swi prolog] connect 4
- prolog game - connect 4
[swi prolog] connect 4 game guide
- prolog connect 4 game guide
prolog connect 4 game gudie line
- swi prolog explain connect 4 game