- Type Classification Code [英汉计算机大词典] n.分类码 :main.m (program control)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)plotimg.m (plots划分 images)dirImg.m (computes the directional image)extract.m (extracts square portion of image抽取块方向图 - called by dirImg
- Relationship Between the Sum of Squared Difference (SSD) and Cross Correlation for Template Matching Konstantinos G. Derpanis York University kosta@cs.yorku.ca Version 1.0 December 23, 2005,Relationship Between the Sum of Squared Difference (SS
- Type Classification Code: main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract.m (extracts square portion of image - called by di
- 通过MATLAB软件;通过仿真得出性能曲线;从而比较bpsk的性能-The bit-error rate (BER) of binary phase-shift keying in Rayleigh fading, using the Alamouti transmission scheme and receiver selection diversity in the presence of channel-estimation error, is studied. Closed-
- matching shape can be subdivided between two approaches: feature-based and template-based matching. The feature-based approach uses the features of the search and template image, such as edges or corners, as the primary match-measuring metrics to fin
- Blind, Adaptive Channel Shortening by Sum-squared Auto-correlation Minimization (SAM)," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, December 2003. The two zip files below should be installed in parallel. -Blind, Adaptive Channel Shortening by Sum-squared
- 在这项工作中所使用的方法是基于一个由大卫阿诺德教程。 http://online.redwoods.cc.ca.us/instruct/darnold/diffeq/logistic/logistic.pdf 这将运行该Logistic.m带来了图形用户界面。 1。放弃在列的格式文本文件中的x值 2。放弃在山口格式文本文件中的y值 3。的阴谋初始 按钮将绘制的分布 4。 查找适合 按钮,会找到最适合 5。 重置 将删除的情节(虽然我想打扫所有的领域
- 采用模板匹配方法进行图像匹配,其中误差平方和测度经过归一化互相关处理。-Using template matching method for image matching, in which the error sum of squares measure through normalized cross correlation processing.
- Simulator 这是一个仿真程序文件夹下面有: acorr 自相关 add 向量相加 convol 卷积 corr 互相关 dlms 自适应算法 hpassfir 高通FIR算法 lpassfir 低通算法 mmul 矩阵相乘 rfft FFT算法实验 sin 这是一个产生正弦波数据的程 sub 向量相减 -Simulator is a simulation program folder belo
- 这是模式识别中最小错误率Bayes分类器设计方案。 自行完善了在不同先验概率的条件下,男、女错误率和总错误率的统计,放入各个数组当中。 全部程序由主函数、最大似然估计求取概率密度子函数、最小错误率贝叶斯分类器决策子函数三块组成。 调用最大似然估计求取概率密度子函数时,第一步获取样本数据,存储为矩阵;第二步对矩阵的每一行求和,并除以样本总数N,得到平均值向量;第三步是应用公式(3-43)采用矩阵运算和循环控制语句,求得协方差矩阵;第四步通过协方差矩阵求得方差和相关系数,从而得到概率密度
- 这是模式识别中最小风险Bayes分类器的设计方案。在参考例程的情况下,自行完善了在一定先验概率的条件下,男、女错误率和总错误率的统计,放入各个数组当中。 全部程序由主函数、最大似然估计求取概率密度子函数、最小错误率贝叶斯分类器决策子函数三块组成。 调用最大似然估计求取概率密度子函数时,第一步获取样本数据,存储为矩阵;第二步对矩阵的每一行求和,并除以样本总数N,得到平均值向量;第三步是应用公式(3-43)采用矩阵运算和循环控制语句,求得协方差矩阵;第四步通过协方差矩阵求得方差和相关系数,从
- a method to calculate the sum of square differenes using the normalised fft cross correlation
- 对随机变量以自变量的几组观测数据作多元线性回回归(求的平均标准偏差,复相关系数与回归平方与) -Argument of several sets of observational data for the multiple linear regression (ask the average standard deviation of the random variable, the multiple correlation coefficient and regression sum of
- 1.产生正弦信号,方波信号,均匀噪声; 2.信号的叠加; 3.信号的相关分析; 4.信号的卷积; 5.信号的和; 6.信号的频谱图。-1. Generate sine signal, square wave signals, uniform noise 2. Signal superposition 3. The signal correlation analysis 4. The convolution of signal 5. The sum of
- Advanced correlation filter synthesis algorithms to achieve rotation invariance are described. We use a specified form for the filter as the rotation invariance constraint and derive a general closed-form solution for a multiclass rotation-invariant
- Function-Compute Correlation between two images using the similarity measure of Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) with Right Image
- 逐步回归分析的fortran程序,(I为变换次数,矩阵为R(I),Q为剩余平方和,SD为剩余标准差,F为显著性检验值,R为复相关系数,B为回归系数)-Stepwise regression analysis fortran program, (I was converted number matrix R (I), Q is the residual sum of squares, SD for the residual standard deviation, F is significant
- 利用Matlab编程实现主成分分析, Cwstd.m——用总和标准化法标准化矩阵 Cwfac.m——计算相关系数矩阵;计算特征值和特征向量;对主成分进行排序;计算各特征值贡献率;挑选主成分(累计贡献率大于85 ),输出主成分个数;计算主成分载荷 Cwscore.m——计算各主成分得分、综合得分并排序 Cwprint.m——读入数据文件;调用以上三个函数并输出结果 -The use of principal component analysis Matlab programmi