- 读取外部文件的x,y坐标信息和属性数据,生成shapefile格式arcgis地图文件!-Read the external file x, y coordinate information and attribute data, generate shapefile format arcgis map files!
- Visual Assist X 10.6.1822.0完美破解版(含最新附加Visual Studio 2010 插件)-Visual Assist X 10.6.1822.0 crack version perfectly (with the latest Visual Studio 2010 plug-in added)
- ArcGIS Server 9.3 的MapTips功能 实现查询到一条记录,记录中包含了x,y坐标信息及一些相关的属性信息,在地图上画一个Maptip并通过这个tip显示这些属性信息。-ArcGIS Server 9.3 for MapTips function realization query to one record, the record contains the x, y coordinate information and some related attribute inf
- Visual Assist X 10.5.1727.0 (最新破解版) va_x_setup1727.exe 为原安装文件 破解文件在 crack 文件夹内 你可以直接覆盖 原 .dll 文件 也可以用 path.exe 来打破解补丁 -Visual Assist X 10.5.1727.0 (the latest version of crack) va_x_setup1727.exe the original installation files f
- C#-XML入门一书的源代码,用处颇多,例如可以通过了解C#与XML交互写出flash界面的漂亮程序,交互过程也是很简单的-C#-XML Introduction to the book
- CSHarp和VB两种语言,实现了利用DirectX建立Mesh,载入X文件,保存X文件的功能。很好的有关X文件运用的程序,可以与Maya,3DMax联系。-CSharp and VB both languages, the realization of the use of DirectX establish Mesh, loading X files and preserve the function of X documents. X documents relating to good
- 此程序能完成任意表达式(包括对:正弦:sinx 余弦: cosx 正切: tanx 余切: cotx 正割: secx 余割: cscx 反正弦: arcsinx 反余弦: arccosx 反正切: arctanx 反余切: arccotx 自然对数: lnx 常数 Л: pi或PI 常数 E: : e或E 变量 X: : x|X 等几乎所有三角函数以及所有算术操作符的支持)的图像显示. 用括号区分优先级. 例如像这样的表达式: y = x*2+lne*2+tanx*(1/2) +x^5
- The ImageButton click event also supplies the x/y coordinates of where the user clicked the image. This provides a means to respond differently depending on what part of the image is clicked.
- managed direct x 9 3d samples
- "Calcoolation" is a puzzle game that at first looks like the popular Sudoku. Just like in Sudoku, you have an N x N matrix, where the digits 1 through N must be placed in each column and in each row without repetition. The difference lies in the fact
- VA_X.dll file version 10.6.1812.0 built 2010.02.09 VS插件工具,简单实用,快速高效-VA_X.dll file version 10.6.1812.0 built 2010.02.09 VS plug-in tool, simple, practical, fast and efficient
- c#开发的右下角显示窗体,类似于迅雷或qq的功能-c# development of the lower right corner shows a form similar to the functions of Thunder or qq
- c# *类 操作窗体 pid = kk.pid("su_client.exe") 获得进程PID key.WinFromXY wf 声明结构数组 wf = kk.findform(“窗口标题”) 根据窗口标题得到 宽,高,以及x,y信息。 kk.setwinform(窗口标题,新的高,新的宽)//改变窗体大小 kk.winText(旧的窗体标题, 新的窗体标题) //修改窗体标题 kk.showform(窗口标题)//将窗体至于屏幕最顶端 kk.fi
- 读取shp坐标系信息,用坐标(x,y,z)生成shp文件的源代码。稍作修改即可使用-Read shp coordinate system information, use the coordinates (x, y, z) generate shp files of source code. You can use some modifications
- The sample application is able to perform both Classification and Regression using Support Vector Machines. It can read Excel spreadsheets and determines the task to be performed depending on the number of the columns in the sheet. If the input table
- 第一章 绪论 第二章 C#数字图像处理的3种方法 第三章 点运算及直方图 第四章 几何运算 第五章 数学形态学图像处理 第六章 频率变换 第七章 图像平滑与去燥 第八章 边缘检测 第九章 图像分割 第十章 图像压缩编码 第十一章 彩色图像处理 -Chapter I Introduction Chapter II C# digital image processing methods Chapter 3 point arithmeti
- 1,本实验用VS2008编译; 2,程序运行的时候弹出windows窗口,单击平移演示按钮北极星图形会演x轴动态平移; 3,单击比例演示按钮,北极星图像会动态地先缩小再放大; 4,单击旋转演示按钮,北极星图像会动态的顺时针旋转,每次旋转30°; 5,单击错切演示按钮,北极星图像会动态的沿x轴错切; 6,单击对称演示按钮,北极星图像会关于x=100对称变换; 7,单击恢复原图按钮,北极星图形会恢复; 8,单击退出按钮,演示结束; 9,在penal中用switch语句
- This a Registry Editor for Windows Mobile 5.x - 6.x enabled devices, it s coded in C# and the .NET CF Framework, I have been working on this project last year on my free time, I had not the time to complete all the features of the desktop Regedit, th
- 自编读IGS文件,输出某一天的96历元的某一时间的X,Y,Z,T参数-read igs file
- 用最小二乘法拟合二元多次曲线 已知点的x坐标集合 已知点的y坐标集合 已知点的个数方程的最高次 二元多次线性方程拟合曲线(Fitting two yuan multiple curves with least square method X coordinate set of known points Y coordinate set of known points The highest degree of the equation of the number of known points