- 求取系统的绝对幅度响应、相对的db值幅度响应、相位响应和群延时响应的函数 % %db为相对振幅(dB) %mag为绝对振幅 %pha为相位响应 %grd为群延时 %w为频率样本点向量 %b为Ha(z)分子多项式系数(对FIR而言,b=h) %a为Hz(z)分母多项式系数(对FIR而言,a=1) %-strike rate system in response to the absolute and relative value range db respons
- 对于淹没在复高斯白噪声中的信噪比为-5dB二次调频信号,在矩形窗长为256的情况下,滤波器组时频检测仿真-for drowned in the complex Gaussian white noise in the signal-to-noise-dB second FM signal in the long rectangular windows of the 256 cases, the time-frequency filters Detection Simulation
- Draws the magnitude of vector x in the time domain, and draws its power spectrum in dB where the number of frequency points is npointsDFT.
- 最近看到有人提问怎样用FFT实现频谱分析,我认为能够进行到频谱分析的人,对于系统研究的深度基本上已经相当不错了。本人今天做了一个例程,发给大家参考一下。 历程主要内容(signal_analyzer.rar)如下: test1.txt 第一列为时间t,0.001s为步长;第二列为系统的输入信号;第三列为系统的输出信号。 signal_analyzer.m首先将test1.txt 的数据读入workspace,然后进行FFT,分析出两信号的频率,输出对于输入的幅值衰减(db),输出对输
- the magnitude responses in dB of the window functions in the frequency domain
- test1.txt 第一列为时间t,0.001s为步长;第二列为系统的输入信号;第三列为系统的输出信号。 signal_analyzer.m首先将test1.txt 的数据读入workspace,然后进行FFT,分析出两信号的频率,输出对于输入的幅值衰减(db),输出对输入的相位差。-test1.txt the first time as t, 0.001s for the step the second as the system input signal the third as t
- With the program AD9854C.exe one can set and tune the frequency in CW-mode. For use as a receiver LO also IF can be given and the both possible receiving frequencies are printed on the screen. The level in Q-outputs can be varied by giving the wanted
- digital band-pass filter with a bandwidth of 100 Hz, mean frequency 250 Hz, 0.1 db
- digital band-pass filter with a bandwidth of 100 Hz, mean frequency 250 Hz, 0.1 db
- A signal is transmitted using a carrier frequency of 900 MHz. It is transmitted through a multipath channel which can be modelled as Rayleigh fading. Assumingthe Dopper spread as 10Hz and the number of multipaths as 10, generate the Rayleigh
- 主要内容(signal_analyzer.rar)如下: test1.txt 第一列为时间t,0.001s为步长;第二列为系统的输入信号;第三列为系统的输出信号。 signal_analyzer.m首先将test1.txt 的数据读入workspace,然后进行FFT,分析出两信号的频率,输出对于输入的幅值衰减(db),输出对输入的相位差。 -Main Content (signal_analyzer.rar) as follows: test1.txt the fir
- 用窗函数法设计一个能对模拟信号进行滤波的线性相位FIR低通滤波器。抽样频率为 kHz,通带截止频率为 kHz,阻带截止频率为 kHz,要求阻带最小衰减 dB。为了降低运算量,所设计滤波器的阶数要尽可能的低-With the window method to design a filter to the analog signals of linear phase FIR low-pass filter. Sampling frequency is kHz, passband cutoff fre
- 用双线性变换法设计一个Butterworth低通滤波器,要求其通带截止频率100Hz,阻带截止频率200Hz,通带衰减小于2dB,阻带衰减大于15 dB,采样频率为500 Hz。-Using bilinear transformation to design a Butterworth low-pass filter, requiring that their pass-band cutoff frequency 100Hz, stopband cutoff frequency 200Hz, p
- 为提高语音端点检测系统在低信噪(0 dB 以下) 下 检测的准确率, 提出了一种基于谱熵的端点检测算法。将每 帧信号分为16 个子带, 选取频谱分布在250~ 3. 5 kHz 并且 能量不超过该帧总能量90 的子带, 计算经过语音增强后的 子带能量以及各子带信噪比, 根据各子带信噪比的不同调整 其在整个谱熵计算过程中的权重, 然后平滑谱熵, 以最终的 谱熵作为端点检测的依据-To improve endpoint detection system in the low
- Multiple input multiple output techniques combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) provide a promising approach for wireless systems. However, a serious drawback of the OFDM system is the high peak-toaverage power
- 用汉宁窗函数法设计一个数字FIR高通滤波器,要求通带边界频率为500Hz,阻带边界频率为400Hz,通带最大衰减1dB,阻带最小衰减40dB,抽样频率为2000Hz,用MATLAB画出幅频特性,画出并分析滤波器传输函数的零极点-With han ning window function method to design a digital FIR high-pass filter, request bandpass boundary frequency for 500 Hz, stop-band
- 基于C51单片机简单示波器 的应用,金克拉 啊觉得了凯撒基带 -factor of the am plifier is less than 5 dB under 30~ lOOkHz ambient temperature. Subject terms:extra—low frequency;low noise;amplifier
- For a file(.wave) • Find the sampling frequency and the number of bits per sample. • Re-quantize the samples using the following methods: o Linear Quantization o A-Law Companding with A=87.6 o μ-Law Companding with μ=255 •
- 描述了一个完全的第一个示范 集成Doherty功率放大器(PA)的单片微波 后失真线性集成电路(MMIC) 毫米波(毫米波)频段。 Doherty放大器 单片,使用0.15米的GaAs HEMT的过程中,实现了小 7 dB的信号增益从38至46千兆赫,具有结构紧凑的芯片尺寸 2毫米 2 。 Doherty放大器的饱和输出功率 21.8 dBm的。 Doherty放大器之间的相似拓扑 和后失真线性化,使人们有可能改善 同时在毫米波功率放大器设计的效率和线性度。 门的主要和峰值放大器偏置优化后, 漏
- KEY FEATURES Resolution of 230,000 Counts (Peak-to-Peak) Offset Drift: 5 nV/8C Gain Drift: 2 ppm/8C Line Frequency Rejection: >150 dB Buffered Differential Inputs Specified for Drift Over Time Operates with Reference Voltages of 1