- 基于图形工作站的IDL程序代码,彩色应用,矩阵操作,插值,图像处理,信号处理,小波变换,mesh对象操作,打印对象,对象图形输出,对象移动旋转,图像对象,光源设置,影像纹理动画: dxf对象显示,对象彩色 自定义类并应用,数据库应用。
- pdnMesh is an automatic mesh generator and solver for Finite Element problems. It will also do post-processing to generate contour plots and Postscr ipt printouts. GUI support using GTK or MFC (Win32) is available. The problem definition can be done
- The X, Y and Z matrix arguments can be used exactly as in the surf and mesh functions. But attention to the colors, because DXF fiels do not uses RGB palete. Instead they use a scaled color palete between 0 and 255.
- 读取DXF文件和保存DXF文件,处理通用实体,并且加入了Polygon和Polyface的接口-his is not a complete DXF reader package, but it handles most entities that are commonly found. With this release I ve added the Polygon mesh and Polyface mesh varieties of POLYLINE, so a great