- We can summarize a video using its important and/or interesting scenes. The scenes selected, however, depend on the purpose of the summary. A good summarizing technique should be able to support various summarization needs. In this paper, we
- 当AutoPanel改变大小时,可以改变panel内部控件的大小和位置 本控件为Freeware components, 来源:http://www.ehlib.com/- TAutoPanel 1.0. TPanel with some extension. Tested under Delphi 3,4. Allow to change size and position of child components when changing a size
- 根据炼铁新厂煤气放散塔自控系统的运行情况, 从RockW e ll工控软件RsL inx 入手, 分析了RsL inx 软件的通 讯方式, 提出了采用动态数据交换技术的通讯方案。并用Delphi编制程序, 实现了数据远传和显示, 声音报警等功 能, 保证了煤气系统安全运行。同时也为数据存储, 不同工控系统数据交换提供了一种方法-The deve lopm ent program o f dynam ic da ta exchange techno logy is put forw ard
- C’est avec un grand plaisir que je remercie M Franç ois Costa, M Jean Luc Schanen et M Faouzi Ben Ammar qui ont accepté de faire partie de mon jury de thèse. Des remerciements aussi chaleureux vont à mes collègues du CEGELY avec qui j’ai pa
- ACADO Toolkit is a software environment and algorithm collection written in C++ for au-tomatic control and dynamic optimization. It provides a general framework for using a great variety of algorithms for direct optimal control, including model pre