当前论文主要考虑的是非信号依赖的高斯噪声下的图像恢复,本程序实现了泊松噪声下的图像恢复,泊松噪声为信号依赖噪声,能够更加有效逼近实际成像系统噪声。- This is the code that was used in the papers "A Nonnnegatively Constrained Convex Programming Method for Image Reconstruction", "Total Variation-Penalized Poisson Likelihood E
一种使用牛顿迭代的超分辨算法,该算法以2的对数提高传统Landweber算法的运算速度,附带文章。-The problem of poor resolution of acquired image in the passive millimeter wave imaging stems mainly from antenna size limitations, thus necessitating efficient post-processing to achieve resolution i
SparseLib + +是一个c++类库,为在不同的计算机平台进行有效稀疏矩阵的计算。这个软件组成对象包含了目前正在使用的几种稀疏矩阵存储格式(在这个版本:压缩行、压缩列和协调格式),提供基本的功能,节约稀疏矩阵存储空间和计算时间。-SparseLib++ is a C++ class library for efficient sparse matrix computations
across various computational platforms. The software
Iterative receiver techniques, multiple-input – multiple-output (MIMO) processing, and
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are amongst the key physical layer
technologies when aiming at higher spectral efficiency for a wireless comm
-In chapter one and two, we mainly introduce the basic principle of video compression and t
Iterative Solutions is committed to the mission of developing accurate and efficient software for the simulation of modern communication systems. All software is licensed as open source software under the Lesser GPL. The code is designed to run in ma
The Gauss-Seidel technique is intuitive and easy to use on large or small problems. However,
you should beware that the convergence tolerance must be carefully selected. Because the
convergence criterion is based on the error between iterations,
In data mining, k-means clustering is a method of cluster analysis which aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean. This results in a partitioning of the data sp
On Multiple Foreground Cosegmentation-In this paper, we address a challenging image segmentation
problem called multiple foreground cosegmentation
(MFC), which concerns a realistic scenario in general Webuser
photo sets where a
OFDM系统在循环前缀不足时的两种高效迭代均衡方法-The two OFDM system is insufficient cyclic prefix efficient iterative equalization method
Calculate the eigenvalues of many 3x3 real symmetric matrices.-Calculate the eigenvalues of many 3x3 real symmetric matrices. Computation is non-iterative, based on fully vectorized matlab matrix operations, and GPU computation is supported. It is fa
高斯-赛德尔迭代法,一种有效的迭代算法,可用于模型求解-Gauss- Seidel iterative method, an efficient iterative algorithm can be used to solve the model
两阶段测试样本稀疏表示方法具有识别率高的特点,有助于准确分类测试样本,但稀疏方法迭代时间长,效率较低,因此仍需要与其他方法进行结合-Two-stage test sample sparse representation method has high recognition rate, helps to accurately classify the test samples, but sparse iterative approach for a long time, less efficie
置信传播是一中很有效的算法,将其应用于检测,通过在检测与译码之间迭代交换传递信息,并有选择地通过单边消息传递来更新信息,降低系统实现的复杂度。 -Belief propagation is a very efficient algorithm to be applied to the detection, the information transmitted by the exchange between the iterative detection and decoding, and to
The BEADS toolbox jointly addresses the problem of simulateous baseline correction and noise reduction, for positive and sparse signals arising in analytical chemistry (Raman, infrared, XRD, etc.), here applied to gas chromatography signals. The base
程序根据Q迭代,即以同位素相对分离系数作为级联计算中的迭代变量,相比于传统以丰度作为迭代变量的方法,Q迭代效率更高、且有推广意义-According to Q iterative procedure, that the relative isotope separation factor as a cascade calculation iteration variable, compared to the traditional abundance as the iteration varia
求解耦合方程的内双迭代有效算法,用于求解NS方程-Inner Doubly Iterative Efficient Algorithm for Linked Equations
牛顿迭代法解非线性方程组,快速、高效。精度也很高。-Newton iterative method for solving nonlinear equations, fast and efficient. Accuracy is also high.
收集了Zarzoso相关的最优步长算法和RobustICA。最优步长算法(os-cma)基于有效的算法迭代技术,RobustICA基于归一化峰度对比功能,这是通过计算有效的迭代技术的优化。其中包含了原始的论文可以参考。(The optimal step-size constant modulus algorithm (OS-CMA) is based on a computationally efficient iterative technique to minimize the CM cos
Bregman Algorithm for Anisotropic TV denosing
Bregman算法各向异性TV去噪B(The methods studied here are based on the Bregman iterative regularization, and efficient algorithm for convex, constraint optimization problems. We study two different versions of th