- 这是一个改进型计算器克服了浮点运算误差新增了报数和运算符改错功能,比起我上次做的代码质量更高,更简捷,算法也不一样。当前只支持基本的四则运算,非常适用!!!,美中不足是报音慢点,但对于手慢的使用者也足够了,对于大量快速计算建议关闭报数功能。在98上通过-This is an improved version of Calculator overcome the floating-point error in the newspapers a few new and Operators Corre
- 这个软件采用的是VC++语言,主要实现了数字测图中一些常用的计算功能。主要功能分为四个大类:坐标转换类,角度转换类,误差计算类和其它计算类。共实现了20多项计算功能。 该软件为绿色软件,界面友好,操作简单,资源占有率低-the software is used in VC language, the main digital mapping some of the terms commonly used functions. Divided into four main funct
- Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1
- 误差分析的方法有多种,例如,威点逊(J. H. Wilkison)针对的计算机的浮点运算提出的“向后误差分析”,这是一种先验估计误差的方法,较以往的“向前误差分析”在矩阵运算的舍入误差估计上有较好的结果,以而使矩阵的误差分析获得了突破性的进展,使不少用向前误差分析难于判定可靠性的数值方法获得新的进展。-error analysis by a number of means, for example, Granville point Morrison (J. H. Wilkison), refer
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- TURBO译码性能AWGN信道测试(菜单式) 达到误帧限即可停止当前SNR点的测试,节省计算量-TURBO AWGN channel decoding performance test (menu type) to stop the current error frame is limited to the test SNR point, saving computation
- 1) 具备十进制输入(0、1、2…8、9),扩展十六进制运算符(A、B…E、F),具备基本的运算功能,包括加法、减法、乘法、除法、取反,具备小数运算; 2) 三角函数运算,(反)正弦、(反)余弦、(反)正切、(反)余切; 3) 科学运算,包括乘方、取模、开方、指数、阶乘、对数、π和e,角度、弧度切换,二进制、八进制、十进制及十六进制数切换运算, 4) 具备历史计算的记忆功能 5) 用户操作非法或出错时,系统会显示提示; -1) with decimal input
- 本程序使用case分支判断数据正负并对正数进行开方运算,若为负数则输出错误。-This procedure to determine the use of case data on positive and negative branches of the computation is the number of prescr iption, if the output error is negative.
- The multipath performance of a given signal/receiver combination depends on various signal and receiver parameters like signal type/modulation scheme pre correlation bandwidth and filter characteristics, chipping rate of code ,relative power levels o
- We have said that protocols allow one to specify or understand communication without knowing the details of a particular vendor s network hardware. They are to computer communication what programming languages are to computation. It should be a
- 对电路板的图像进行分割,可以提取电路板中的目标物,以对电路板进行检测。文章使用K均值聚类算法完成对电路板图像的分割,针对传统的K均值聚类算法的不足,提出了使用直方图波形的有效波峰个数来确定K值的大小,并通过使用一种比传统的绝对误差的表示更简洁的表达式,达到了快速分割的目的。对一些电路板图像分割的实验结果表明,文章的方法能够根据目标物的数目有效的确定K值的大小,且比传统的K均值算法减少了运算量及计算时间。-On the circuit board image segmentation, to ex
- An implementation of Unscented Kalman Filter for nonlinear state estimation.-Nonlinear state estimation is a challenge problem. The well-known Kalman Filter is only suitable for linear systems. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) has become a standarded
- Adaptive equalization教程-Adaptive equalizers compensate for signal distortion attributed to intersymbol interference (ISI), which is caused by multipath within time-dispersive channels. Typically employed in high-speed communication
- we propose a low-cost sequential and high performance architecture for the implementation of CORDIC algorithm in two computation modes. It suited for serial operation that performs conversion between polar and rectangular coordinate systems, essentia
- CONVOLVE2可以用于任何CONV2使用,采取同样的参数并返回一个小的公差范围内同样结果。加速计算是通过使用面膜中的奇异值分解,表示为外产品总结一下。这些都可以有效地计算与行和列向量的卷积。 CONV2是用来从事这项运动。 可分面具是一个特殊情况,并受CONVOLVE2处理多达FILTER2一样。许多不属于其他口罩可分低等级(如Gabor函数口罩),并更有效地处理CONVOLVE2。 该功能也将计算出降秩逼近一个给定的面具如果需要的话,将使用此是否会加速计算。一个额外
- As it is mentioned the control of a robot arm using AFC can be considerably improved if a method is found to provide good estimates of the inertia matrix of the arm. Therefore, AFCAFL scheme which exploits the use of fuzzy logic as the inertial
- The major evolution of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) in recent years is the High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)which provides data rates up to 10Mbps. The implementation of HSDPA includes multicodes transmission in joint
- ofd估计信道性能,计算误比特率,包含信号发射,信道估计,信号接收。在高斯信道,采用qdpsk调制解调。-ofd channel estimation performance, bit error rate calculation, comprising a signal transmitter, channel estimation, signal reception. In the Gaussian channel, using qdpsk modem.
- Disparity Map computation by Local correspondence search SAD, SSD and NCC. RMS error between the groundtruth and computed disparity map.
- Computes the FE error measured in the L2- and H1-norm for 2D problems. Especially useful for illustrating the error decay of piecewise linear finite elements in the common norms.