- 该套软件用于提取王码98(或者其他版本)的五笔数据,精简后应用于嵌入式系统,如单片机。在DOS下,用TC模拟调试通过。很容易移植到单片机上。含五笔数据提取过程,输入时两分法查找的子程序。全部为C代码-the software used to extract Wangma 98 (or any other version), the five data streamlined used in embedded systems, such as SCM. In DOS, using simulati
- 经典的Harris角点检测算法经过改进的VC代码,可以用来提取灰度图象的特征点,用于匹配,运动估计,光流计算,形状分析等。-classic Harris corner detection algorithm improved VC code, Gray can be used to extract image feature points for the match, motion estimation, optical flow, shape analysis.
- 专门为MIKE 21定制的提取dxf文件数据点的程序.能够提取AutoCAD dxf文件中的:1.点高程2.Text中的数据3.线(包括Line,Polyline)中的高程数据,三种模式: 1)直接提取直线端点高程2)在直线上进行数据点的加密,然后输出3)输出为模型的水陆边界 -dedicated to the extraction of 21 customized data points dxf document procedures. To extract AutoCAD14 D
- 与XT9702规约主站通讯 Tornado2.0编译,无故障运行与研华HE-8XX系列主板3年以上 解压密码luckycy-XT9702 and the Statute of the main points of communications Tornado2.0 compiler, fault-free operation with the China Institute HE-8XX series of the Main Board for three years or more e
- 一种比较好用的边缘检测方法CORNER Find corners in tensity image. % CORNER works by the following step: % 1. Apply the Canny edge detector to the gray level image and obtain a % binary edge-map. % 2. Extract the edge contours from the edge-map, fill the ga
- myfft是一个自编matlab函数,将输入的采样频率个采样点数建立一个数据库后,取出表中的数据进行fft分析,绘制出时频波形进行比较分析-myfft self Matlab is a function of the input sampling frequency of 000 sampling points after the establishment of a database and extract table data fft analysis, time-frequency map
- Type Classification Code [英汉计算机大词典] n.分类码 :main.m (program control)discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)plotimg.m (plots划分 images)dirImg.m (computes the directional image)extract.m (extracts square portion of image抽取块方向图 - called by dirImg
- This paper presents an image feature matching algorithm,based on what an image stitching algorithm can be fune— tioning.In this algorithm,Harris comer detector is used to extract featum points-This paper presents an image feature matching algorithm
- Type Classification Code: main.m (program control) discretize.m (converts image to discrete values) plotimg.m (plots images) dirImg.m (computes the directional image) extract.m (extracts square portion of image - called by di
- 本文提出一种图像特征点匹配算法,并在该算法的基础上形成构建全景图的图像拼接算法. 此算法采用 Harris角检测算子进行特征点提取,并为其分配特征描述符.-This paper presents an image feature point matching algorithm and the algorithm is based on building a panoramic image mosaic algorithm graph. This angle detection algori
- skeleton prunning, extract skeleton from binary images by junction points and curve points and end points.
- 使用sift算法,找出图像的关键点,使用关键点作为匹配因子对两幅图像进行匹配,数据库中包含了丰富的可用图片库。-Use sift algorithm to find the image of the key points, key points to use as matching factor of two images match, the database contains a wealth of available gallery.
- 读取图像数据,将彩色图像转换为灰度图像,提取图像的SIFT特征点。-Read image data, convert the colorful image to gray image, and extract SIFT feature points.
- MATLAB的HARRIS焦点检测以及匹配源程序,主要用于提取兴趣点,图像拼接的重要过程。-The MATLAB HARRIS focus detection and matching source, is mainly used to extract points of interest, image stitching process.
- praat scr ipt to extract intensity points from a sound wave file
- 提取数字影像中的特征点,读取图像,在窗口中显示图像,提取特征点用(+)表示,列表显示特征点的像素坐标位置.-Extract the feature points in the digital image,Read the image, display the image in the window, feature points are extracted using (+) indicates, the list shows the pixel coordinates of the featu
- c++写的24点游戏,用户抽取4张牌,程序列出所有24点组合,编写工具是VC6.0。-c++ to write the 24-point game, the user to extract four cards, the program lists all combinations of 24 points, authoring tools is VC6.0.
- 提取视频图像中的关键点作为特征提取,将提取的特征点进行处理。-Points on the extraction of video images for feature extraction, the extraction of feature points for processing.
- 关键点描述和提取:SIFT配合暴力匹配进行关键点的描述和提取。-Descr iption and extract key points: SIFT violence with matching descr iption and extract key points.
- 实现道格拉斯提取特征点功能,输入点的shp图层,可以导出相应的提取结果(Douglas extract feature points, the input point of the SHP layer, you can export the corresponding extraction results)