- 人耳识别技术是20世纪90年代末开始兴起的一种生物特征识别技术,与其它生物特征识别技术比较具有以下几个特点:(1)与人脸识别方法比较,耳识别方法不受面部表情、化妆品和胡须变化的影响,同时保留了面部识别图象采集方便的优点,与人脸相比,整个人耳的颜色更加一致、图像尺寸更小,数据处理量也更小。(2)与指纹识别方法比较,耳图象的获取是一种被动方式,即通过非接触方式获取耳图像,不存在通过接触传染疾病的机会,因此,其信息获取方式具有容易被人接受的优点。(3)与虹膜识别方法比较,首先,由于人脸和头发的存在,需
- 用神经网络来进行人脸识别的程序,对脸部的表情进行识别,如高兴,伤心等-Using neural networks for face recognition program, to identify facial expressions such as happy, sad, etc.
- 本程序实现了用贝叶斯实现人脸表情的识别,很精确的结果,具有很高的识别效果-This application implements with bayesian realize face expressions of the recognition, very accurate results, has the very high recognition result
- Luxand非常好的面部跟踪系统,可以识别人的面部表情!-Luxand very good face tracking system, can identify facial expressions!
- 人表情判断的代码,用vc++写的。 expressiondb是表情库,请放于硬盘盘根目录下。 test1是程序,运行即可。-Human facial expressions to determine the code, using vc++ Written. expressiondb is the expression library, please put in the hard disk root directory. test1 is the procedure to run.
- c/c++面试题,很多经典的题,比如 /a和b交换面试题2.cpp //如何将a、b的值交换,并且不使用任何中间变量? //解析: //简而言之,用异或语句比较容易,不用担心超界的问题。 //如果采用: // a=a+b // b=a-b // a=a-b //这样做的缺点就是如果a,b都是比较大的两个数,a=a+b时就会超界。 //而采用: // a=a^b b=a^b a=a^b 无须担心超界的问题,这样就比较好。 //参与运算的两
- 日本ATR(Advanced Telecommunication Research InstituteInternational)的专门用于表情识别研究的基本表情数据库JAFFE,该数据库中包含了213幅(每幅图像的分辨率:256像素×256像素)日本女性的脸相,每幅图像都有原始的表情定义。表情库中共有10个人,每个人有7种表情(中性脸、高兴、悲伤、惊奇、愤怒、厌恶、恐惧)。 JAFFE数据库均为正面脸相,且把原始图像进行重新调整和修剪,使得眼睛在数据库图像中的位置大致相同,脸部尺寸基本一致,光
- 基于遗传算法和bp网络的简单人脸识别,只能识别三种表情。图像经过简单的小波变换处理-Bp networks based on genetic algorithm and a simple face recognition, could only identify three kinds of expressions. After a simple wavelet transform image processing
- Running this funciton each time to compute the LBP-TOP distribution of one video sequence. Reference: Guoying Zhao, Matti Pietikainen, "Dynamic texture recognition using local binary patterns with an application to facial expressions,"
- Yale人脸库(美国): 耶鲁大学,15人,每人11张照片,主要包括光照条件的变化,表情的变化等。-Yale Face Database (U.S.): Yale University, 15 people, each 11 photos, mainly including changes in lighting conditions, expressions of the change.
- This a software utility. It provides auto attendance management system using face detection technique. Now a day’s many utilities provide face detection system but not intelligent. Our project is more intelligent, cost less and very easy to configure
- 完整的表情识别系统一般包括人脸表情图像捕获、预处理、人脸检测与定位、 人脸分割与归一化、人脸表情特征提取、人脸表情识别。本文着重研究了人脸表 情特征提取、特征选择及表情分类等关键问题,并提出了一些改进的方法,同时 进行了仿真实验-Complete expression recognition systems typically include facial expression image capture, preprocessing, face detection and loca
- aleix@ecn. Semantic queries to a database of images are more desirable than low-level feature queries, because they facilitate the user s task. One such approach is the object-related image retrieval. In the context people s names and facia
- ORL人脸库,可以用于人脸检测识别用,在 ORL 人脸库中,有 400 幅分辨率为92*112,具有不同表情、不同姿势、稍许倾斜(不超过20度)、稍许遮掩的图像-ORL face database, face detection and recognition can be used for the ORL face database, there are 400 92* 112 resolution, with different expressions, different posture,
- 高独特性特征的选择以及合适匹配策略的选用是人脸识别技术的关键。讨论了基于仿射不变的几何特 征SIFT算子进行人脸识别的方法。SIFT算子的计算复杂度较高,并且不同的人脸表情和图像模糊会加大特征匹 配的难度。为克服上述缺点,提出了一种新的算法,将选择6个人脸上感兴趣子区域进行描述,并根据各自的独特 性赋予不同的权值,最后在匹配过程中使用相似度的平方来减小偏差数据造成的影响。实验结果表明,该方法能 有效减轻表情变化对于身份识别率急剧下降的影响,并可显著减少计算复杂度和特征匹配时间。-
- 本程序实现了fisher,贝叶斯实现人脸表情的识别,很精确的结果,具有很高的识别效果-This application implements fisher, bayesian realize face expressions of the recognition, very accurate results, has the very high recognition result
- 本程序实现了fisher,pca,贝叶斯实现人脸表情的识别,很精确的结果,具有很高的识别效果-This application implements fisher, pca, bayesian realize face expressions of the recognition, very accurate results, has the very high recognition result
- 研究内容包括四个方面:分别是人脸检测,图像的预处理,特征提取和人脸识别。能在不同光照,不同表情,不同姿态的情况下获得准确的识别。-The study includes four aspects: face detection, image preprocessing, feature extraction and face recognition. The accurate identification can be obtained in the case of different light
- 运用matlab,LBP分割脸部特征,从而达到识别人物面部表情的效果-Use matlab, LBP split facial features, so as to identify the effect of facial expressions
- 最新设计的人脸库,包含不同的光照表情,一共152个分类,每个分类20个样本(The newly designed face library contains different illumination expressions. There are 152 classifications, 20 samples for each category.)