- CompEcon Toolbox for Matlab. CompEcon is a set of MATLAB functions for solving a variety of problems in economics and finance. ,CompEcon Toolbox for Matlab. CompEcon is a set of MATLAB functions for solving a variety of problems in economics and f
- 包括二元Copula、时变Copula和藤Copula的估计原程序。-The dynamic copula toolbox we present here is a list of MATLAB functions specifically designed to estimated the three aforementioned classes of coplulas ad it is particularly oriented towards cases met in finance.
- garch examples, worth reading , especially graduated students majored in mathematical finance-garch
- Field: Economics Finance One of the unit root tests known as Dickey Fuller Test is implemented in Matlab for Dynamic pannel Modeling and for seemingly unrelated regression of stock data.
- the book <<Simulation and Monte Carlo With applications in finance and MCMC >> about MONte carlo method applying to finance problem and markov chain and markov decision process.
- YAHOORT Extends the Datafeed Toolbox s YAHOO object, allowing real-time data to be fetched from Yahoo s Premium Finance service. Requirements: - Datafeed Toolbox license - Yahoo account subscribed to Yahoo Premium Finance. 1. To insta
- Several matlab Mfiles for the simulation of stochastic processes in finance and engineering, wienner, random walk, brownian motion, two gamble etc. in addition ot solution to forward and backward Chapmann-Kolmogorov equation-Several matlab Mfiles for
- 一本介绍matlab用于金融数值计算的书-Numerical Methods in Finance & Economics A MATLAB based Introduction- Paolo Brandimarte
- 计算金融学及计算生物学等众多应用领域。在各行业和学术机构中,有一百多万工程师和科学家使用 MATLAB 这一技术计算语言-Calculate Finance and computational biology and many other applications. In various industries and academic institutions, there are more than one million engineers and scientists using MATL
- matlab 可视化 微分方程 物理 算法 超越方程 科学计算 数学变换 最值问题 图像增强 图形界面 线性方程 元胞自动机 晶体生长 金融-physical algorithm matlab visualization in scientific computing differential equations of mathematical transformations beyond the most value problem of linear equations graphical
- matlab 可视化 微分方程 物理 算法 超越方程 科学计算 数学变换 最值问题 图像增强 图形界面 线性方程 元胞自动机 晶体生长 金融-physical algorithm matlab visualization in scientific computing differential equations of mathematical transformations beyond the most value problem of linear equations graphical
- 用MATLAB编写代码,在经济和金融中法对连续时间过程实现了封闭的最大似然估计方法-The code, written in MATLAB, implements the closed-form maximum-likelihood estimation method for continuous-time processes in economics and finance. First, the code maximizes the log-likelihood function and d
- 蒙特卡罗应用于金融等各行业,包括了用Matlab实现的蒙特卡罗方法源代码,蒙特卡罗方法讲解的PPT,同时有使用蒙特卡罗方法的demo.-Monte Carlo applied in various industries such as finance, including the use of Matlab to achieve the source code of the Monte Carlo method, the Monte Carlo method to explain the PPT
- 根据BP神经网络理论和Adaboost,在MATLAB中编程实现BP_Adaboost算法的公司财务预测建模-According to BP neural network theory and Adaboost, in MATLAB programming BP_Adaboost predictive modeling algorithm finance company
- This file contains Matlab code that replicates some of the results in the paper ``A survey of sequential Monte Carlo methods for economics and finance,''
An Introduction to MATLAB
- Because programming has become an essential component of engineering, medicine, media, business, finance, and many other fields, it is important for engineers and practitioners to have a basic foundation in programming to be competitive. This book
- MATLAB coding for implementing and solving various topics in different fields. i.e. Neural Networks, Quantitative Methods in Finance
- 使用matlab语言验证马科维兹的有效组合理论,应用于金融专业(Verify Portfolio theory in Matlab to use widely in Finance.)