matlab fitness code
- 用matlab实现的贝叶斯网优化的fitness函数
- 基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法。将模拟退火算法与遗传算法相结合用于聚类分析,由于模拟退火算法和遗传算法可以互相取长补短,因此有效地克服了传统遗传算法的早熟现象,同时根据聚类问题的具体情况设计遗传编码方式、适应度函数,使该算法更有效、更快速地收敛到全局最优解。 -Genetic simulated annealing algorithm based on clustering algorithms. Simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algo
- 用粒子群算法优化RBF网络权值,根据适应度值对个体最优和群体最优进行更新-Particle Swarm Optimization with RBF network weights, according to the best fitness value of individuals and groups to update the best
- matlab最优化理论的实现,通过plot功能找出函数的极值问题 。-matlab optimization theory realization of function through the plot function to find the extremum problem.
- ga的一个仿真例子程序,还不错,用起来效果比较好,需要自己根据项目情况写适应度函数-ga a simulation example of the procedure, but also good to use effect is better, the basis of project information required to write their own fitness function
- Matlab中路径优化程序,销售员模式,最佳路径优化-Medium Matlab path optimization procedures, sales model, the best path optimization
- 很实用的群优化智能算法,计算粒子群算法的源代码,所需优化的目标函数命名为fitness即可。-a partical swarm algorithm
- 时间序列的基本模型的参数估计和预测 以及和谱分析的方法的相关程序-Copyright (c) 2009, Piet M T Broersen All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- This program runs a GA. The roulette wheel method for parent selection is used here. Elitism is included. Parent selection is from the population including the elite chromosomes. The standard bit form is used here. As usual, code works in
- 遗传算法整套源程序,包括初始种群,计算适应度值,选择,交叉变异等-Genetic algorithm source code package, including the initial population, calculation of fitness value, selection, crossover and other variant
- :针对遗传算法易陷入局部最优的不足,在标准遗传算法基础上加入了三个新的操作- 复原、重构和录优操作,使改 进后的遗传算法收敛于全局最优,并在此基础上以路边约束、动态避障和路径最短作为适应度函数,提出了动态避障的路径 规划方法。通过实验仿真验证了算法的有效性、准确性和实时性,并与基于以往的遗传算法的路径规划方法进行比较,结果 表明本文提出的方法在产生的路径长度和算法运行时间上都具有更优的性能。-: Genetic algorithm for the lack of easy to
- Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique developed by Dr. Eberhart and Dr. Kennedy in 1995, inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. Each particle keeps track of its coordinates
- Fitness function that help users to use that in ga applications.
- 提出一种改进的遗传算法用于求解机械手运动学逆问题. 该算法采用实数编码, 其交叉概率和变异 概率根据解的适应度函数值自适应调整. 计算机仿真结果显示, 该算法较简单遗传算法(SGA) 求解精度高, 收敛速度快且稳定性能好.-An improved genetic algorithm for solving the inverse problem of manipulator kinematics. The algorithm uses real number encoding, the
- PSO算法,通用性较强,只要换一下fitness就可以了-PSO algorithm, universal strong, as long as a change in fitness can be a
- Srinvivas提出的自适应遗传算法,交叉概率和变异概率随适应度自动改变-Srinvivas proposed genetic algorithm, crossover probability and mutation probability automatically change with fitness
- 遗传算法车间调度,车间作业调度问题遗传算法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 输入参数列表 M 遗传进化迭代次数 N 种群规模(取偶数) Pm 变异概率 T m×n的矩阵,存储m个工件n个工序的加工时间 P 1×n的向量,n个工序中,每一个工序所具有的机床数目 输出参数列表 Zp 最优的Makespan值 Y1p 最优方案
- 遗传算法的基本步骤如下: 1)在一定编码方案下,随机产生一个初始种群; 2)用相应的解码方法,将编码后的个体转换成问 题空间的决策变量,并求得个体的适应值; 3)按照个体适应值的大小,从种群中选出适应值 较大的一些个体构成交配池; 4)由交叉和变异这两个遗传算子对交配池中的 个体进行操作,并形成新一代的种群; 5)反复执行步骤2-4,直至满足收敛判据为止。(The basic steps of the genetic algorithm are as follows: 1) u
bco matlab
- % Bee Colony Optimization in Matlab % By Adnan ACAN % Each potential solution is called a Food Source % Fitness is determined in terms of the quality of food source % There are three groups of bees: employed bees, onlooker bees, and scout bee
HRV Features Extract by Matlab
- 本代码可用来提取计算心率变异性非线性域特征值(SampEnVal, AlphaDFA, AlphaDFA1, AlphaDFA2 )(Extract Nonlinear features of HRV. %Inputs: RRI = inter-beat interval (s) and time locations (s) % opt = analysis options from gui % %Outputs: output