- 用过采样和求均值技术提高模数转换器的分辨率.pdf-----针对目前单片机内嵌的模/数转换器的分辨率太低,而外接高分辨率成本又太高的情况,提出了用“过采样和求均值”的技术来使在有用的测量频带内的信噪比得到改善,从而提高测量的分辨. 率。并利用 60 - 7 0 /对其结论进行仿真,且在单片机上予以实现,结果表明测量分辨率明显提高。-Sampling and averaging techniques used to improve the resolution of ADC. Pdf-----
- Abstract-This paper introduces the new concept of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in estimating speed and controlling the separately excited DC motor. The neural control scheme consists of two parts. One is the neural estimator, which is us
- 30 w smps flyback forward converter working -30 w smps flyback forward converter working
- Buck变换器是最常用的变换器,工程上常用的拓扑如正激、半桥、全桥、推挽等也属于Buck族,其中Buck变换器补偿网络设计,是开关电源的重要研究课题,本文将针对基于PI控制方式的4A开关电源进行设计和Multisim的仿真研究。-Buck converter is the most commonly used converter on the topology of the project, such as forward, half bridge, full bridge, push-pull
- This paper presents a high-efficiency positive buck– boost converter with mode-select circuits and feed-forward techniques. Four power transistors producemore conduction andmore switching losseswhen the positive buck–boost converter operates in
- power electronic-Buck-forward converter-this is a Psim file
Design of a Zero-Current Switching
- a new zero-current switching pulse width modulation forward converter is introduced using a new switching algorithm for the auxiliary circuit. In the proposed converter, transformer core is reset through a resonance, and thus, reset winding is not re
- DBR followed by forward converter and an inverter
- Forward converter with active reset
- This paper presents a high efficiency positive buck boost converter with mode select circuits and feed forward techniques. Four power transistors producemore conduction andmore switching losses when the positive buck boost converter operates in