- Buddy(伙伴)算法每次分配包含一个或者多个物理页面的内存块,页面以2的次幂的内存块来分配。首先搜寻满足请求大小的页面,它从满足当前申请大小的Buddy数据结构的m_ freePages域着手沿链来搜索空闲页面。如果没有这样请求大小的空闲页面,则它搜索两倍于请求大小的内存块。这个过程一直将持续到所有的Buddy 被搜索完或找到满足要求的内存块为。如果找到的页面块大于请求的块则对其进行分割以使其大小与请求块匹配。由于块大小都是2的次幂所以分割过程十分简单:空闲块(低地址)被连进相应大小的队列而这
- Iterative Watershed Segmentation (IWS) This code is free of charges and it can be used for demonstration and evaluation purposes only. It is not allowed to use this code in any commercial purpose. The author s approval must be requested for an
- 中文分词系统,免费提够接口,实现对中文的分词-Chinese word segmentation system, providing free enough interface, the realization of the Chinese word
- 中科院分词系统VC++版本,在VS2005下编译通过,含有所有源代码,可以保证在中科院算法上,自己添加新的想法,或者对已有的算法进行优化。-Word Segmentation System, Chinese Academy of Sciences VC++ version at compile under VS2005 passed, containing all the source code, algorithms can guarantee at the Chinese Academy o
- 计算所汉语词法分析系统之免费版本ICTCLAS.非收费之源代码。 分词正确率高达97.58 (973专家组评测),未登录词识别召回率均高于90 ,其中中国人名的识别召回率接近98 处理速度为31.5Kbytes/s。ICTCLAS的特色还在于:可以根据需要输出多个高概率结果,有多种输出格式,支持北大词性标注集,973专家组给出的词性标注集合。--Calculate the Chinese Lexical Analysis System ICTCLAS. Segmentation correc
- 基于Barabasi-Albert模型的建立无尺度网络生长模型。控制参数:平均出度m,结点数n。输出所有入度点数比例;输出直方图分段比例;输出集散节点-Based on Barabasi-Albert model of scale-free network growth model. Control parameters: the average out-degree m, the number of nodes n. Output ratio of all penetration points
- 程序代码说明:本程序是应用于图像分割(区域合并)基于最大相似性区域合并的交互式图像分割 本代码绝对可用-Code Descr iption: This procedure is applied to image segmentation (region merging) region merging based on similarity of the largest interactive image segmentation of the code is absolutely free
- 水平集图像分割方法的一个经典DEMO,05年CVPR上的文章的实现程序,无偿呈现-Level set image segmentation methods of a classical DEMO, 05 years CVPR articles realization procedures, free show
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- The goal of this paper is to describe an off-line segmentation-free Arabic handwritten words recognition system. This system is based on a semi-continuous 1- dimensionnal hidden Markov models (SCHMMs)
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- The Point Cloud Library (or PCL) is a large scale, open project for point cloud processing. The PCL framework contains numerous state-of-the art algorithms including filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, registration, model fitt
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- 对一个具有多目标的图像进行分割。对函数进行MATLAB定义,并设定相应的时间、空间步长。在演化过程中,对水平集的计算采用二阶基本无震荡差分格式,新初始化函数采用一阶基本无震荡差分格式。 -A target image segmentation. MATLAB definition, function, and set the appropriate time and space steps. The second-order calculation of the level set in t
- SVM实现数据分类,可自行选取核函数,用于图像分割操作。程序可自动训练分类平面。-SVM for data classification, are free to select the kernel function,For image segmentation operation. The program can automatically train classifiers plane.
- 在对话框中,调用第三方分词工具(ICTCLAS中文分词免费版),实现对中文的分词示例程序,可以对想实现全文搜索算法的中文分词问题提供解决方案。-In the dialog box, call the third-party segmentation tools (word ICTCLAS Chinese free version), the sample program to achieve the segmentation of Chinese text search algorithms C
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Schmidt-Segmentation (HMM heart sound)-Code-master
- Matlab code for the Schmidt HMM-based heart sound segmentation. An example of the implementation of this code can be found in “run_Example_Schmidt_scr ipt.m”. This code is derived from the paper: S. E. Schmidt et al., "Segmentation of heart s