- 利用小波分解与重构,实现图像增强和融合,可灵活选用其他小波,简单易懂,特别适合小波初学者.-using wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, image enhancement and integration, the flexibility to choose other wavelet is simple to understand and Wavelet particularly suitable for beginners.
產生 IROM image 的工具
- 產生 IROM image 的工具,可由此image在SD card boot up .(for S3C6410),Tool to make IROM image. You can boot up from SD card by this image file.(for S3C6410)
IROM_Fusing 源码
- IROM_Fusing 源码 Quick User Guide of NAND fusing tool that is Using iROM SD/MMC booting,IROM_Fusing source Quick User Guide of NAND fusing toolthat is Using iROM SD/MMC booting
- 提出了一种自动构造特定领域本体的方法,该方法应用术语抽取和多重聚类技术。在术语抽取阶段,通过术语在专业语料与背景语料中出现概率的对比,采用LLR公式对术语进行评分,取得了更好的抽取效果。在层级关系发现过程中,采用上下文共现信息结合HowNet中词语的语义相似度,进行术语间相似度度量,力求获得术语间最合理的相关状况。同时改进了k-medoids聚类算法,更准确地发现术语的层级关系,进而构造出特定领域的本体。-This paper presents an approach to mining dom
- 本文通过融合图像的颜色和梯度特征 ,实现了一种实时背景减除方法。首先融合颜色和梯度特征建立新的能量函数 然后基于图切割算法最小化能量函数 ,并对前景P 背景进行分割 最后使用光流验证前景区域的真实性 ,并更新背景模型。- Based on the fusion of color and gradient features , this paper implement s a novel approach to real-time background subtraction.Firstly ,
- 熔断时间测试仪,通入额定电流后启动计时器计时,熔断后停止-Fusing time tester, rated current access time after the timer starts, blows to stop
- Matlab下,读取raw文件,实现多波段图像融合,高光谱与高分辨率图像融合,包括直接融合,傅里叶变换后融合,小波变换后融合及HIS变换后融合。-On Matlab,how to read and show raw files, achieve more band mergering,spectrum image and high resolution image fusiing,including direct fusion,Fourier transform fusion, wavele
- 分水岭分割对图像特征使用梯度下降法和沿区域边界分析弱点(weak points) 来将像素分 类为区域。想像在一个有水流动的拓扑地形结构中,水在重力的引导下聚集到一个地势较低 的盆地。随着水量的增加,水将流满整个盆地直到水流溢出到另一个盆地,这样就会将一些 小盆地吞没形成大的盆地。使用局部的几何结构来形成区域(集水的盆地),在图像领域中正 如使用一些诸如曲率或梯度强度等特征中的局部极值来将像素连接成区域。这种技术不像其 他区域分割,它几乎不需要用户定义门限,尤其适合对以不同的
- 图像融合 一种最简单单很经典的实例学习 适合初学者理解其中的思想-One of the simplest single image fusion is a classic example of learning for beginners to understand the thinking
Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Spatial
- Multi-focus image fusion in wireless visual sensor networks (WVSN) is a process of fusing two or more images to obtain a new one which contains a more accurate descr iption of the scene than any of the individual source images.
- This paper presents a new method for fusing two or more differently exposed images of a High Dynamic Range scene. The method employs illumination estimation filtering, in order to assess the degree of “wellexposedness” of the pixels in the origin
- Motion recognition has received increasing attention in recent years owing to heightened demand for computer vision in many domains, including the surveillance system, multimodal human computer interface, and trac control system. Most conventional