- 提供图片处理的相关方法(C#)。可以调整位图的色彩曲线,可以高斯模糊,当然还有写常见的功能比如去色啊,增强色彩等功能。,To provide the relevant image processing methods (C#). Can adjust the color bitmap curve, Gaussian blur can, of course, to write to common functions such as color, ah, enhanced features such
- 数字图像处理,opencv的增强对比度函数,功能为使图像对比度更强-Digital image processing opencv contrast enhancement function, image contrast more
- image processing VB Changed Lighten/Darken to Adjust Brightness - Added progress bar and save option (due to demands) - Added new adjustment : Color Balance - Added new filters : Diffuse, Emboss, Lighting Effects, Sharpen, and Solarize
- 通过多点触控调整图片大小和位置的方法,通过多点触控调整图片大小和位置的方法-Through the multi-touch resize and position of the method, through a multi-touch adjust the picture size and position of the method
- 基于Matlab GUI的图像的DCT,自由调节压缩率,计算峰值信噪比,并图形化对比还原图像-Matlab GUI for image-based DCT, freely adjust compression rates, the peak signal to noise ratio, and reduction of image contrast graphic
- 对于一些图像来说,常用的边缘检测算法有时候无法设立合适的阈值将它们的梯度较小的模糊边缘检测出来。为了解决这个问题,有两种解决方法:将图像方差标准化,拉大模糊边缘的梯度值,或通过设置sigmoid函数,将像素所在区域的信息传递到梯度值中去,对其进行调整,就能找到合适阈值,有效地将模糊边缘提取出来。本程序把这两种算法实现并与与传统算法进行了比较。-For some images, the commonly used edge detection algorithm sometimes can not
- 在CListCtrl中显示BMP图形,支持放大缩小,横竖向显示,调整图像间距-In CListCtrl display BMP graphics, support zoom,横竖to show, adjust the image spacing
- 基于图像处理的相机自动调焦系统!可以自动调整图像的大小跟分辨率-Based on image processing camera automatic focusing system! Can automatically adjust the image size with the resolution
- 讀取16位元(65536階)raw影像檔,調整其灰階動態範圍至256階,調整方式至少包含平均法、對數法、開平方法,word檔包含了成程式碼與操作說明與結果。-Read 16-bit (65536-order) raw image file, adjust its dynamic range to 256 gray-scale bands, contains at least adjust the way the averaging method, logarithmic law, Kaiping
- Draw a Cycloida curve and adjust params to get different pictures. Used: allegro, C. Compile with cmd: gcc curveCykloida.cpp -o curveCykloida -lalleg-Draw a Cycloida curve and adjust params to get different pictures. Used: allegro, C. Compile with cm
- 一种频域加密算法,图像经过DCT变换得到DCT系数,然后对DCT系数进行加密。然后对加密的DCT系数进行DCT反变换图像数据。最后对其加密后的图像数据进行线性变换来调整图像数据的取值范围在[0,255]。最后得到加密图像-A frequency-domain encryption algorithm, the image obtained through the DCT transform DCT coefficients, and then encrypt the DCT coefficien
- Images passed to your application are not always of the same size as your templates. To compare them you might need to up scale or down scale them to the template size. It is preferred that when comparing you check the size of the template to b
- 使用delphi 7开发的调整图片的RGB对比度。 测试可用-Developed using delphi 7 to adjust the RGB image contrast. Test Available
- 直方图均衡化是图像处理领域中利用图像直方图对对比度进行调整的方法。这种方法通常用来增加许多图像的全局对比度,尤其是当图像的有用数据的对比度相当接近的时候。通过这种方法,亮度可以更好地在直方图上分布。这样就可以用于增强局部的对比度而不影响整体的对比度,直方图均衡化通过有效地扩展常用的亮度来实现这种功能。-Histogram equalization is the use of image processing to adjust the image histogram of the contras
- 通用相机驱动和其文档说明。可用于灰点(GreyPoint)等相机的驱动,实现连续拍摄,保存图像,调整相机参数等功能,可在此驱动所带的例子的基础上进行程序开发-Universal camera driver and its documentation. Can be used for gray dot (GreyPoint) such as the camera driver, to achieve continuous shooting, save the image, adjust the c
- 可以批量修改图片尺寸,调整图片大小,批量改名-Batch size can modify the image, adjust image size, batch rename
- 关于印刷图像质量在线分析寻找缺陷图像并调整印刷参数保证质量-Print image quality on-line analysis to find defects in the image and adjust the printing parameters to ensure quality
- 以图像中心为原点,调整傅立叶变换图像的四个象限区,即第一和第三象限交换-The origin of image center, adjust the four quadrants of the image Fourier transform zone, the exchange of the first and third quadrant
- Brightness is one of the most significant pixel characteristics. It is involved in many image-editing algorithms such as contrast or shadow/highlight.
- 按照该定义,当发生枕形畸变时,实际成像高度大于理想成像高度,畸变率为正,在图像中表现为像素位置被拉伸 当发生桶形畸变时,实际成像高度小于理想成像高度,畸变率为负,在图像中表现为图像被压缩,像素位置向中心移动。-Economical image adjust program