基于图匹配理论的图像分割,是IJCV上那片经典文献的作者写的程序,简练实用。可以给做这方面的人的参考-based on the theory of graph matching image segmentation, Shangri-La is IJCV on classic literature written by the author of procedures, concise practical. This can be done to the people of reference
Graph-cut implementation is used for combinatorial optimization, which is a fast and robust means to achieve stereo matching, image restoration, segmentation.
Graph Cutshi是最近在计算机视觉中研究和应用比较多的优化算法,典型的用于stereo matching, image restortion, texture synthesis等应用,以上代码给出了graph cut,mean shift, 以及相关的ppm/pgm图像借口,本来是用于stereo matching的,已经把相关的matching的实现代码给去掉了。大家可以以此为平台做一些相关的研究和应用。
基于弹性模板匹配的人脸表情识别程序。首先针对静态表情图像进行表情图像的灰度、尺寸归一化,然后利用Gabor小波变换提取人脸表情特征以构造表情弹性图,最后提出基于弹性模板匹配及K-近邻的分类算法实现人脸表情的识别。-Flexible template matching based on facial expression recognition procedures. First of all, the expression for the static image of the gray-sca
本文提出一种图像特征点匹配算法,并在该算法的基础上形成构建全景图的图像拼接算法. 此算法采用
Harris角检测算子进行特征点提取,并为其分配特征描述符.-This paper presents an image feature point matching algorithm and the algorithm is based on building a panoramic image mosaic algorithm graph. This angle detection algori
基于灰度的归一化匹配算法:将原图以及匹配图灰度化,算出相关系数后得到匹配区域。-Based on Gray' s normalized matching algorithms: the original image and the gray level of matching graph, calculate the correlation coefficient obtained after the matching area.
基于灰度的归一化匹配算法:将原图以及匹配图灰度化,算出相关系数后得到匹配区域。-Based on Gray' s normalized matching algorithms: the original image and the gray level of matching graph, calculate the correlation coefficient obtained after the matching area.
子图像与母图像的匹配(子图像是母图像的一部分),用于判断子图是否在母图中-Sub-image and the master image matching (sub-image is the image part of the mother), used to determine whether the parent graph graph
参考文献《Automatic Photo Pop-up》Hoiem 2005
2 GrabCut文件是完成图像中目标交互式分割
参考文献《“GrabCut” — Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts》
C. Rother 2004
3 HOG文件是自己编写的根据HOG特征检测行人的matlab代码
4 虹膜识别程序
研究优化人脸特征提取问题,针对长期以来在不贴标记点的情况下用传统的光流、Snake、可变模板等方法对纹理特征变化大的特征点不能有效跟踪,并且解决单独采用Gabor 小波系统开销大等问题,为了在人脸图像中提取准确信息,提出了人脸特征点的跟踪方法,分组采用改进的光流法和弹性图匹配的方法进行特征点跟踪。对眼睛、眉毛、上下眼皮等14 个表
情变化不大的特征点使用光流法进行跟踪,最后对变化大的嘴部8 个特征点运用Gabor 小波的弹性图匹配方法进行仿真。-Gabor wavelet research
利用图割算法,进行立体匹配,也就是图像的深度提取。本程式是针对视频序列的深度估计,该程式是名古屋大学开发的-Using the graph cut algorithm for stereo matching, that is, the depth of the image extracted. This program is the depth estimation for video sequences, the program is developed by Nagoya Universit
关于图匹配的一种精确匹配示例,一种很不错的匹配方式,可以解决一些常见的实际问题。-For graph matching an exact match for example, a very good match, some common practical problems can be solved.
代码实现了基于图匹配的分割算法-implementation of graph matching based image segmentation.
迭代的图变换匹配算法。这是一篇图像处理的好论文。-Graph transformation iterative matching algorithm. This is a good paper image processing.
图像匹配是图像处理的基本问题,同时也一个难点,本代码是基于直线描述子的场景匹配。-Line segment matching plays an important role in image processing and computer vision, while it remains a challenging task for images under various transformations. In this work, we present a line matching alg
Abstract—Single image denoising suffers limited data
collection within a noisy image. In this paper, we propose a
novel image denoising scheme, which explores both internal
and external correlations with the help of web images. For
each noisy
SIFT(Scale-invariant feature transform)是一种检测局部特征的算法,该算法通过求一幅图中的特征点(interest points,or corner points)及其有关scale 和 orientation 的描述子得到特征并进行图像特征点匹配,获得了良好效果(It is an algorithm for detecting local features. The algorithm obtains good results by finding feat
全搜索算法重构图。像顾名思义,穷尽法就是对搜索范围内的每个位置都进行计算并比较,从原图像块中找到与待匹配块最相似(误差最小)位置的方法。对于一个搜索范围为[-7,7]的区域来说,x,y两个方向全部搜索一遍需要进行 15X15 = 225 次计算。穷尽法的缺点很明显就是计算量太大,速度很慢,另一方面,由于全部范围都进行了计算,其匹配精度是最高的。(Reconstruction graph of full search algorithm. As the name implies, the exha