一個可擷取出 Image 中的 Pixel Slice 並顯示出 Pixel Value/Linear Distance 的直方圖, 包含 Red, Green, Blue, Intensity, Hue, Saturation 等資訊顯示, 並有資料分析.-can have just one of Pixel Image Slice showed Pixel Value / Linear Distance histogram contains Red, Green, Blue, Intensi
灰度值为0;灰度值大于阈值的象素直接设置为2-the function used to image transform threshold. For gray value less than the threshold value of the pixel intensity value directly set to 0; Gray value greater than the threshold value of the p
程序说明: //该函数用来对图像进行阈值变换。对于灰度值小于阈值的象素直接设置 灰度值为0;灰度值大于阈值的象素直接设置为255。-procedures : / / This function used to image transform threshold. For gray value less than the threshold value of the pixel intensity value directly set to 0; Gray value greater than t
Convert a color image between color representations.
B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A
where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the
source and destination color spaces, S = dest<-src , or
Normalises image values to 0-1, or to desired mean and variance
n = normalise(im)
Offsets and rescales image so that the minimum value is 0
and the maximum value is 1. Result is returned in n. If the image is
colour the
Motion detection results
If you double-click the Switch block so that the signal is connected to the SAD side, the Video Viewer block displays the SAD values, which represent the absolute value of the difference between the current and pr
算差分盒维数的matlab程序。 让窗口中的每个像素都对分数维作出贡献。首先,计算某一尺度窗口的平均灰度值 ,然后判断每一个像素的灰度 ,若大于灰度平均值 ,则累加其灰度值为 max ,若小于灰度平均值 ,则累加其灰度值为min ,用max 和min代替 在 Sarkar 和 Chaudhuri 算法中的最大值和最小值 ,再通过拟合求出分数维。 -Differential count box dimension matlab program. Let window on the fractal
The aim of the assignment is to understand the concept of the image enhancement stage We need to know the technique to improve the image or better input for the image processing technique as in the assignment. In the first part of the assignment is
阈值的更改没有实现可视化,在源程序中可以改。-Image d
将原图像看做是自相关及其功率谱是各向同性的一阶马尔可夫过程,采用基于方向微分的运动模糊方向鉴别方法,对运动模糊图像进行方向性的高通滤波(方向微分),当滤波方向为运动模糊方向时 ,由于此方向模糊图像对应的高频成分最少,高通滤波(方向微分)使模糊图像能量损失最大,得到的微分图像灰度值(双线性插值)之和必然最小.所以方向微分得到的图像灰度值之和中的最小值对应的方向即为运动模糊的方向-The original image as is the autocorrelation and power spect
图像处理作业 用matlab显示直方图 累积分布函数 加高斯噪声 再用平滑降噪 都是自己编的程序-Given the test image "Lenna" 256*256 with 256 gray levels, do the following:
1) Using MATLAB display the test image.
2) Display the intensity histogram of the test image.
3) Using the im
该函数用来对图像进行阈值变换。对于灰度值小于阈值的象素直接设置灰度值为0;灰度值大于阈值的象素直接设置为2-the function used to image transform threshold. For gray value less than the threshold value of the pixel intensity value directly set to 0 Gray value greater than the threshold value of the pixe
程序说明: //该函数用来对图像进行阈值变换。对于灰度值小于阈值的象素直接设置 灰度值为0;灰度值大于阈值的象素直接设置为255。-procedures :// This function used to image transform threshold. For gray value less than the threshold value of the pixel intensity value directly set to 0 Gray value greater than the
该函数用来对图像进行阈值变换。对于灰度值小于阈值的象素直接设置灰度值为0;灰度值大于阈值的象素直接设置为2-the function used to image transform threshold. For gray value less than the threshold value of the pixel intensity value directly set to 0 Gray value greater than the threshold value of the pixe
Variance map of an image is calculated by taking a square window of a set size around a center pixel, and calculating the variance of the values of the pixels.
Census Transform is a form of non-parametric local transform (i.e. relies on the relativ
一个MATLAB 图形处理软件,是标准的.m 程序,可以批量的对图片进行截图处理,读取截图范围内的强度积分值,并按照图片变
化绘制强度变化曲线。-A MATLAB graphics processing software, is standard .m program, you can batch processing of image shots, read intensity integral value within the range of screenshots and im
java代码,用于实现显图片的强度值,强度频率最高值的功能-Java code function, image intensity values for achieving significant, the intensity of the highest frequency value
This histogram is a graph showing
the number of pixels in an image
at each different intensity value
found in that image
For an 8 bit grayscale image there
are 256 different possible
intensities , and so the histogram
will graphic
This histogram is a graph showing
the number of pixels in an image
at each different intensity value
found in that image
For an 8 bit grayscale image there
are 256 different possible
intensities , and so the histogram
will graphic
可显示图像中指定点的坐标值、像素值、图像强度曲线、图像像素强度曲线、等值线、均值、标准差、协方差系数、质心、边界等。(It can display coordinate values, pixel values, image intensity curves, pixel intensity curves, contour lines, mean value, standard deviation, covariance coefficient, centroid, boundary and s