- D:\\matlab\\nmm\\integrate.rar数值积分-D : \\ Matlab \\ nmm \\ integrate.rar numerical integration
- 《MATLAB7.x数字信号处理》源代码。本书面向信号处理领域,在简要介绍信号处理基本概念的基础上,详细介绍了MATLAB工具箱函数及其使用,内容涵盖了MATLAB使用基础、高级编程和重要领域的应用。在结构安排上,本书立足于信号处理各个具体领域,并结合信息处理工具箱,以大量的程序访真为依托,讲解了MATLAB在信号处理中的具体应用。 本书结构合理,内容全面,图文并茂,实例丰富,适用面广,适合信号处理、自动控制、机械电子、自动化、电力电气、通信工程等专业的本科生、研究生、教师和科技工作者阅读。
- ifnn,if神经网络,用于matlab,Integrate-and-Fire(LIF)
- This GUI can be used by entering nu at the MATLAB command prompt. The user can either select a function (f(x)) of their choice or a statistical distribution probability distribution function to plot over a user defined range. The function s integral
- This a GUI that manages DSP analysis functions for wav-files [especially speech signals]. Two functions [plotps.m and spect.m] are included for starters. You may write your own functions and integrate that into the GUI without much hassle [see instru
- MATLAB自带的积分函数,采用m文件编写。通用性好,方便新手分析其编程思路。-MATLAB built-in integration function, the use of m document preparation. Common good, to facilitate analysis of its new programming ideas.
- IMAQPLOT is a simple demonstration of previewing video data using the toolbox s TimerFcn callback. IMAQPLOT also allows users to integrate the video preview into any MATLAB GUI. These are capabilities that are present in the toolbox s PREVIEW command
- 标准label propagation的一个实现版本,实现为函数,可以直接调用即可。-As a standard implementation of label propagation algorihtm, you could integrate into your work freely.
- 3种方法用C#调用matlab代码,3种方法都使用同一个例子-This demo shows three ways to integrate MATLAB code into a C# project. All three methods use the same example from MATLAB, but each interacts with it in a different fashion.
- 多目标优化 相对传统多目标优化方法, PSO在求解多目标问题上具有很大优势。首先, PSO的高效搜索能力有利于得到多目标意义下的最优解 其次, PSO通过代表整个解集的种群按内在的并行方式同时搜索多个非劣解,因此容易搜索到多个Pareto 最优解 再则, PSO的通用性使其适合于处理所有类型的目标函数和约束 另外, PSO 很容易与传统方法相结合,进而提出解决特定问题的高效方法。就PSO 本身而言,为了更好地解决多目标优化问题,必须解决全局最优粒子和个体最优粒子的选择问题-Compared
- Why use C/C++ with Matlab? • Matlab can be slow • C++ can be fast – How can we integrate C++’s speed with Matlab’s convenience? Matlab’s convenience? • Goal: -Implement critical functions with (fast) C++ code, and use (
- Within each folder, first run gendata.m (in Matlab) to generate the appropriate data files. Then, run gclabel.cpp to estimate the shadow map and normal field. Finally, run genheight.m in Matlab to integrate the normal field. The light source directio
- 求解积分的自适应simpson算法的matlab程序-adaptive simpson integrate algorithm
- MATLAB® is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster th
- MATLAB® is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster th
- MATLAB® is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster th
- MATLAB® is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster th
- The software receiver is a type of the GPS receiver based on software written on programmable circuits such as DSP or FPGA. Based on the flexibility of software, we can integrate many techniques, update new technologies and modify its parameters when
第11章 模糊RBF网络
- 模糊控制器的设计不依靠被控对象的模型,而是依靠控制专家或操作者的经验知识。模糊控制的突出优点是能够比较容易地将人的控制经验溶入到控制器中,但若缺乏一定的控制经验,很难设计出高水平的模糊控制器。而且,由于模糊控制器采用了IF-THRN控制规则,不便于控制参数的学习和调整,使得构造具有自适应的模糊控制器较困难(The design of fuzzy controller does not depend on the model of the controlled object, but depend
- 该程序能够根据图像的不同特征有效地融合左右视图,形成独眼图,以利于后续处理。(The program can effectively integrate the left and right views according to the different characteristics of the image, and form a one-eye chart to facilitate subsequent processing.)