- Texlipse is a plugin that adds Latex editing support for the popular Eclipse Java IDE. Key features include: syntax highlight, command completion, bibliography completion, outline navigation and automatic building.
- This an application of 3D computer graphics designed using JOGL and Netbeans IDE. This loads the .obj and .mtl files in a 3D Scene. Good stuff for 3D computer graphics learners.-This is an application of 3D computer graphics designed using JOGL and N
- Very large (tested for more than 2048 bits) prime number generator and tester program. This is well written and based on solid algorithms in this field. Source code is my own, used for Masters course in Cryptography. Program has easily readable and
- 应用IDE开发工具设计有菜单等标准GUI组件的界面,并能够结合文件输入/输出流的处理方法,开发出可以存取持久化数据的应用程序,提高对程序数据处理的认识。-Application development tools IDE design standard GUI components such as menu interface, and be able to combine file input/output flow approach can be developed to access pe
- TCP connection example program (AT commands) for xt-65 cinterion modem, for eclipse IDE
- HTTP connection example program (AT commands) for xt-65 cinterion modem, for eclipse IDE
- serial por repeater example program for xt-65 cinterion modem, for eclipse IDE
- this complete java source code for a web based java IDE-this is complete java source code for a web based java IDE
- 自己写的吃豆子(pacman) bin 目录下的run.bat可以直接运行。源码位于src目录下。 IDE:eclipse。 开发环境:JDK1.6。-Wrote it myself to eat beans (pacman) bin directory can run the run.bat. Source is located in src directory. IDE: eclipse. Development Environment: JDK1.6.
- 用JAVA开发的手机飞机射击游戏,是青岛大学04级毕业生毕业设计。 开发环境为: 操作系统:Microsoft Windows XP 程序语言:Java 2 开 发 包:Java(TM) 2 Standard Edition (5.0) Sun Micro. J2ME Wireless Tool Kit 2.5 IDE: Eclipse 3.01 -The development of mobile phones with JAVA aircraft shootin
- 根据mldn的mario教程编写的mario游戏。 IDE为NetBeans。碰撞控制上小bug很多,这和游戏设计的框架有关。不过基本的编程方法都已包含。供交流学习。 flyinheart827@gmail.com-this is a kind of mario game. IDE is netbean. author:flyinheart827@gmail.com
- Google Android开发入门与实战的源代码 包括了第5、7、8、9、10、12、13、14、15、16章 JDK下载网址: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp Eclipse下载网址:http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ (下载Eclipse IDE for Java Developers) Android SDK下载网址: http://developer.android.com-G
- Android录音代码 android sdk:2.0 ide:eclipse/MyEclipse jdk:6.0 相关环境配置这里不做详细介绍, 功能已经过反复测试,使用正常。-Android recording code android sdk: 2.0 ide: eclipse/MyEclipse jdk: 6.0 related environmental configuration will make no detailed descr iption of func
- (实际的开发环境是NetBeans IDE 6.1) 实现了通讯录简单的添加联系人、删除联系人、查看详细信息和搜索联系人的功能。-(The actual development environment is NetBeans IDE 6.1) This program implements a simple address book to add contacts, remove contacts, view contact information and search functions.
- this compression decompression program in java netbeans ide created
- this maze game by netbeans IDE that worked by java language by this game you can drow your maze that contain more obstacles and object move between these obstcles-this maze game by netbeans IDE that worked by java language by this game you can drow y
- 基于JDK的Java IDE的设计与实现。该系统集Java源代码的编辑、编译、运行、 动态显示行号、图形界面中显示程序出错信息、多页编辑源代码等功能于一体, 利用OOA&OOD的方法,通过Java语言来实现。核心设计思想:系统的编辑器用 JTextArea类实例为主体来充当,编译器和解释器则是通过调用JDK开发包中提供的 javac程序和java程序来实现,并通过File类实例建立起编辑器、编译器和解释器的联系。-JDK-based design and
- java字符串加密解密,编写成文档,复制到IDE中运行即可看到效果-java string encryption and decryption
- 基于netbeans和MSSQL2008,带界面;很简单的客户信息管理系统;可对客户信息进行添加,删除,修改;包括源代码,用例图,类图,时序图以及运行报告;-This is a costomer information management system based on java IDE netbeans and MSSQL2008. It also contains frame design.What s more, not only source cold,but also uescase
- 基于netbeans和MSSQL2008,带界面;公司订餐系统。菜单管理员可根据实际情况对菜单进行修改。客户(公司员工)可以浏览菜单,订餐,修改订餐等。还可以注册工资支付,月末用餐费直接从工资里扣除。厨师可以查看需要最哪些饭的汇总单。(内包含有源码;用例图,类图,时序图;还有运行报告)-This is a food reservatin system based on java IDE netbeans and MSSQL2008. It also contains frame design.W