- vrml浏览控制的图形界面设计,自动漫游,视点跳转,浏览控制方法的设计。对vrml三维用户界面的设计有很*价值。,vrml browser graphical interface designed to control, automatic roaming, Viewpoint Jump, browse the design of control methods. Vrml three-dimensional user interface for the design of great re
- Have you ever seen players eyes light up as they explore the worlds that you ve created in your games? If you have, then game development probably has you hooked firmly in its grasp! If you ve never taken your games beyond the PC, now s the time! "J2
- This the J2ME code for the Jumping game .. here the Patrick, the hero of San Francisco city wants to destroy the entire road gangster’s car to make sure they are dead on the spot and the Freeways are clean for the people of United States. Patrick wan
- 实现了网上书店的功能,购物车,自动跳转,运用了Servlet的技术。文件还包括需求文档,以及测试报告,-Functions to achieve an online bookstore, shopping cart, automatic jump, use the Servlet technology. The document also includes requirements documents, and test reports
- Android 系统里的音乐播放机相关Java源代码,我想这是比较有参考价值的,代码内的关键部分都做有注释,方便学习Android的朋友做参考,注意:主界面(判断是否已经有访问权限,如果没有,则跳转的到Auth页面进行授权) -Android' s music player system related to Java source code, I think this is more a reference value, a key part of the code done in a
- Android 系统里的音乐播放机相关Java源代码,我想这是比较有参考价值的,代码内的关键部分都做有注释,方便学习Android的朋友做参考,注意:主界面(判断是否已经有访问权限,如果没有,则跳转的到Auth页面进行授权) //否则就到Yobo界面(展示个人的电台和音乐盒)…… -Android' s music player system related to Java source code, I think this is more a reference value
- java开发的QQ,可以实现界面跳转,可以实现client端与server端得通信-java development QQ, the interface can jump, can be client-side and server-side communication
- java applet 中的图片的跳转,音乐的播放与停止。-java applet in the picture jump, music playback and stop.
- 语言:HTML/JAVA,简单的用户登录、用户登录检查、计数、显示界面,并使用session进行跳转。-Language: HTML/JAVA, simple user login, user registration inspection, counting, display interface, and use the session to jump.
- 仿梦幻西游纯java实现的2D RPG游戏。实现多地图场景经传送点跳转,鼠标点击地图人物自动寻径行走、表情动作、聊天动画冒泡显示。-Imitation Fantasy Westward Journey pure java implementation of 2D RPG game. Scenes by multi Map Teleport jump, mouse clicks Map People automatic routing walking, emotes, chat bubble an
- JAVA WEB 应用开发与实践 Servlet的生命周期 Servlet中取得session内置对象 Servlet中完成页面跳转-JAVA WEB application development life cycle and practice Servlet Built-in objects made Servlet session Servlet completed page jump
- Android版新浪、网易、腾讯、搜狐微博OAuth认证实例集,想更多了解OAuth认证的朋友,请下载java源码包,在示例中完整解析了OAuth认证的过程:定义URL编码方式,请求url,得到注册应用后服务商提供的key和secret,生成32个字符长度且每次都不同的随机字符串,设置Oauth协议版本,请求签名等操作。 在用户授权页面,实现: 1.初始化OAuth对象 2.获取用户授权页面并填充至webView 3.根据载入的url判断匹配规则的结果执行
- Android手机上的新浪微博客户端程序Java源码下载,可了解到android中的域名获取等操作,http操作,发微博的作者操作,sqlite操作和微博浏览显示操作,包括了界面到数据库和网络较综合的操作技巧。包括使用sqlite创建数据库 用来保存用户登录blog所需要的信息,SoftReference软引用,建立新线程下载图片,通过微博客户端获取账号列表,在此使用IF判断来处理:如果为空说明第一次使用跳到AuthorizeActivity页面进行OAuth认证,如果不为空读取这些记录的Use
- 基于Android的activity的跳转实验代码。可以实现不同的activity的跳转,用java实现。-Android-based activity jump experimental code. You can achieve different jump activity, and implemented by java.
- 开发工具为:ORACLE11g,PLSQL Developer,eclipse-java-mars-R-win32 完整的销售管理文件夹,包含进货、退货、销售、仓库存货四个方面,每个界面之间可以进行相互之间的跳转,页界面美观,功能完善,用户可以登陆,添加商品信息,修改商品信息,删除商品信息,可以正常进货,退货,销售商品。-Development tools: ORACLE11g, PLSQL Developer, eclipse-java-mars-R-win32 Complete sa
- 生成带图片的二维码,让手机扫码解码并跳转。(Generate images with two-dimensional code, so that the mobile phone scanning code decoding and jump.)
- 安卓开发中最基础的程序,通过编码实现两个页面的跳转(Android development of the most basic procedures, through the encoding of two pages of the jump)