- 手机版象棋游戏采用MIDP1.0开发,在低端手机上运行的同时,保证了高端手机的兼容性,其市场发展空间巨大。伴随着中国移动GPRS和中国联通CDMA1X数据业务的开展,手机游戏将是3G数据业务的一个重要的应用领域。 根据需求分析的描述以及与用户的沟通,现制定系统实现目标如下: 界面设计简洁、友好、美观大方,保证直接上手便可游戏 操作简单、快捷方便 规则简单,方便游戏者进行游戏 实现智能规则判断 支持大型Web服务器,以Http协议通讯。 向PC端开发靠拢,为以后PC与手
- Have you ever seen players eyes light up as they explore the worlds that you ve created in your games? If you have, then game development probably has you hooked firmly in its grasp! If you ve never taken your games beyond the PC, now s the time! "J2
- “PC版《仙剑奇侠传》”移植到手机上,特奉上该游戏源码-" PC version" Fairy仙剑Biography " ," migrate to mobile phones, special offer of the game-source
- 网络电话,VoIP的简单实现,可用于网络聊天,以及移动终端与PC间的通信。-Internet telephony, VoIP' s easy to achieve, can be used in online chat, as well as the mobile terminal and PC communication.
- 蓝牙手机控制器,通过蓝牙由手机的J2me程序搜索服务端,PC负责接受信号,并对鼠标键盘进行操作,实现手机作为PC遥控器的目的-Bluetooth mobile phone controller, using Bluetooth on the client side(phone) to search services. PC is responsible for receiving signals, controlling the mouse and keyboard so as to creat
- this remotePC2 control the PC from ur mobile phone-this is remotePC2 control the PC from ur mobile phone
- Pro Android Games will help you to create the best games for the Android platform. There are plenty of books out there that tackle this subject, but only this book gives you a unique perspective by showing you how easy it is to bring native PC ga
- 使用java实现pc端移动彩信MMS的编写、发送、接收等功能。前提是要使用3g数据卡,使用MMS7接口发送。-Using java to write, send, receive, and features such as pc-mobile MMS MMS. The premise is to use 3g data card, use MMS7 interface to send.
- 主要实现手柄的功能,分为手机端和电脑端,电脑端用java编写,手机端用Android编写-To handle is divided into the mobile terminal and PC, computer terminal to write with java mobile terminal to write an Android
- This program sends SMS from PC to mobile phone using a GSM device. the program developed in JAVA. it uses the com.jar library
- Screen Shot java code 我自己已经编译过了,可以使用,是采用android 的DDMS来进行截图 用于PC端实时获取图像文件,使用者的手机不需要root-Screen Shot java code I myself have been compiled, can use, it is to use the android DDMS to screen. Used for PC obtaining the real-time image file, the us
- Android Socket源码实现与PC通讯,其中手机端用java开发,PC端用java开发-The Android Socket source to communicate with the PC, mobile terminal with java development, PC-side java development
- 将手机摄像头获取的图片通过wifi发送到PC机上并进行显示。程序包含手机所需的java代码以及PC机所需的程序。通过他,可以通过手机实现远程监控。-you can get your smart phone s camera pictrue and shows on your PC reality
- java[1]是一种可以撰写跨平台应用软件的面向对象的程序设计语言,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台(即JavaEE, JavaME, JavaSE)的总称。Java自面世后就非常流行,发展迅速,对C++语言形成了有力冲击。Java 技术具有卓越的通用性、高效性、平台移植性和安全性,广泛应用于个人PC、数据中心、游戏控制台、科学超级计算机、移动电话和互联网,同时拥有全球最大的开发者专业社群。在全球云计算和移动互联网的产业环境下,Ja
- 手机摄像头图像源码是一套PC端动态演示手机摄像头图像的源码,在电脑上先运行服务端,手机需要和电脑在一个网络中,打开安卓端以后会要求配置一个ip地址,把PC的IP地址填入手机,点击登录以后服务端控制台会循环打印连接成功,并且弹出一个窗口用来演示手机传过来的图像每秒可以显示20-30帧图像。可以截屏图片并保存为本地文件,本项目包括java服务端源码和安卓客户端源码通过Socket进行通信。-Cell phone camera image source is a PC dynamic demonstr
- java写的移动触控移动端,需要配合PC端的SOCKET接收控制才能正常使用-write java mobile touch moving end and in line with the PC side SOCKET reception control to work properly
- 基于安卓的LBS+人来识别的移动考勤系统--服务器(PC)端--带数据库(mysql)文件-服务器文件过大-无法上传-只上传了sql文件--找我2831242966下载全部文件(Android based LBS+ people to identify mobile attendance system - server (PC) side - with a database (MySQL) file;The server file is too large to upload - just up